Saturday, September 29, 2012


I have been putting 2012 in the title of my blogs just as a joke since most people are constantly searching the term. Although I would have to wonder why it would be something new to anyone at this point that they would have to search for it.

This post actually is about 2012 though.

There are many different takes on what is supposed to happen on December 21, 2012 but the one that seems to be garnering the most attention because it is loosely based in science is the "Dark Rift" idea. In a nutshell this idea says that we are already passing through the accretion disk of the galaxy. At 11:11 or 11:12 on 12/21/12. There is some grumblings out there in the conspiracy-sphere that the time of the event has been changed on official scientific websites for one reason or another. For a long time the time given was 11:11 and then it was changed to 11:12. Why this is the case, if indeed it is the case, I don't know. I personally believe that someone is screwing with the conspiracy theorists which sounds like a conspiracy theory in itself but ever since the UFO phenomenon caught on after Roswell, the government has been using it and other urban legend events as just another weapon in their arsenal of psychological manipulation. Even hoaxing sightings themselves.

Take for instance the cattle mutilation phenomenon which is indeed a real event. One of the best theories that brings the cattle mutilation phenomenon back to earth is the fact that a majority of them occur in the west in states where nuclear weapons testing was done and in nearby areas.  According to this theory a good portion of cattle mutilations can be mapped and then laid over a map of nuclear weapons testing by the US government and you will find a strong correlation. I have never done this personally but it does sound more plausible than aliens. That does not mean I don't believe in aliens. In fact I don't think you can believe in evolution and not believe in just the possibility but rather the likelihood that aliens exist. Whether or not they are visiting us is a totally different story. To put it in a nutshell there is far more evidence for alien visitation than there is for the existence of god and about 4 billion people more or less believe in a god so believing in aliens is not only not farfetched it may turn out they are one and the same.

I encourage anyone to follow any "curiosity thread" I lay down. That is what I call these things. Cattle mutilations + nuclear tests. Lots of work can be done there.  I follow these from time to time such as the 2012 theories and crop circles and of course the pyramids.  Most people wouldn't make the leap in logic to compare and contrast nuclear testing with cattle mutilations. I hadn't thought of it until I heard it. The "twisting" of the yarn as I like to call it in the mutilations/testing thread is that the reason behind it is that cattle eat ground cover. If there was still radiation left over from the atomic tests it would show up in grazing animals and be concentrated in the filtering organs of the body and the lips since the lips contact everything. In this theory the government steals the cattle and cuts out these organs using self cauterizing laser scalpels to remove the parts they need for testing then as part of their psychological manipulation techniques they drop them from a helicopter into trees or just from great heights just to further increase the "oddity factor". Then they just wait for the "UFO nuts" to do the rest. So you take theft of private property, in a secret program that obviously believes that the nuclear tests have left a radioactive legacy in these states, and you convert it into a story told by crackpots and skygazers. I wonder if anyone has thought to match those cattle mutilations that occurred outside the area of nuclear testing with the possibility that if the they are performing the same "theatrics" in other places they might be doing it for the same reason. Perhaps there are radioactive hot spots we don't even know about. Given our government and most governments on this planet the answer to that question is most likely yes. Maybe a cattle mutilation event occurs near a swamp in Georgia because there is a nuclear bomb, accidentally dropped from beneath the wing of a bomber, laying in the swamp somewhere. Which is a real story by the way.

The same methodology of diversion was employed when the government was tracking Russian space junk that crashed during the cold war. It would not surprise me at all that one of the "programs" run during this time was a "Men In Black" program. Not the real thing. If there is such a thing but rather just another psychological manipulation technique.  Here is the scenario.  You have a secret and probably radioactive Russian spy satellite coming down in Smalltown USA and the government arrives right away. They have tracked the de-orbiting craft on radar and have been waiting in the projected region where it may crash. They seal off the area setting up roadblocks and start turning people away. Anyone coming from a crash area is searched and later guys in black suits and hats may show up to ask questions.  It is a very clever idea. If you believed you were sitting face to face with super secret government agents or even aliens with the power to make you disappear, or whatever, the odds are most people would tell the truth. It may even become real if they believe you are lying or took a piece of the craft they were trying to recover. You might actually wind up with an arm full of sodium pentothal and a guy probing your hind end for good measure. Actually it is best if they do the anal probe schtick.  If they don't probe you, which would be for no reason other than to create a UFO abduction story scenario for you to tell, then chances are they are just going to serialize you, meaning kill you like a victim of any of the 50 or a 100 serial killers roaming our country at any given time and dump you on his or her playground. Another clever method.

But I digress.

The point being that given the power of the government and the assets and tools at it's disposal it would be difficult to know if you are being lied to in order to hide a secret or just screwed with just to keep you occupied and confused. It could be true that some people in government just have a sense of humor.  Type in the world illuminati backwards with .com at the end in the web address line of your browser and see where you end up. Then tell me government people don't have a sense of humor. A scary sense of humor.

I see no advantage to changing the time of the 2012 Winter Solstice event from 11:11 to 11:12 for any reason. What difference will one minute make if something starts to happen? Then again I hadn't thought of the idea of matching cattle mutilations with nuclear weapons testing. One minute might mean a lot. I suppose if the mother ship is leaving at 11:11 exactly then saying it is 11:12 might be their way of making sure the idiots who believe government websites don't make it into the group being saved to repopulate the planet after the aliens wipe it clean of humans.  Just a thought.

The main story of 2012 goes like this. We will pass through the ecliptic plane of the galaxy. As I said we already are and have been for the last few decades but the Mayan Calendar doesn't restart in 1990 or 2000 it supposedly restarts in 2012. It doesn't hurt the story that a lot of weird things are occurring around the world and in our solar system in the last year.

I could write forever on this particular topic and never scratch it's surface. I have decided instead to start a new feature of my blogs when I am discussing very complex and far reaching subjects.  A good portion of my research involves websites and youtube videos.  When I find something particularly interesting I usually spend a good deal of time looking for both supporting and debunking evidence. Although I will admit I spend far less time looking for a debunking site or video that I do for supporting videos. Oddly enough it would seem that this method would put the bulk of my research in the camp that is in support of a theory but in fact that isn't the way it works out at all. As often as not a competing theory about the same event or prediction acts as a debunk for the original or a sieve of sorts. Separating the wheat from the chaff as it were.

That feature is to end each blog with video or website links that I find the most informative on the subject.  I don't have any particular take on 2012. I am leaning toward it being a non event although I do see other events occurring that are linked to 2012 that should give us cause for concern on their own and I am afraid that in fact the rush to link everything with 2012 is possibly obscuring what could be real world reasons to keep a sharp eye out.  Economic collapse, the sun acting strange, the end of cheap oil, and others.  There are many potential "game changing" threats out there. Possibilities that could shove our species into one direction or another or end it completely.

My next two blogs will be about the potential for extinction of our species and more of the work I have been doing on the Pyramids of Giza.  In fact one of the video links I am going to post just below this paragraph may give us some clues to what the builders of the Great Pyramid were trying to warn us about. The event may have already happened!  Or it may have already happened and it could happen again.

This video has totally sent me in a different direction in my studies. If you have read my other blog posts then you know about my work on the Pyramid Math.  If it turns out that the Pyramids elude to the date 705 BC I am going to be ecstatic. Of course some links may die after I blog them. If they do I will endeavor to come back and refresh them

Just plain scary stuff.

  Real world scary stuff.

 At about 1 minute 22 seconds you will find out how the outside universe can affect our sun.  It's a short video and possibly the most important one of the whole bunch.  When you are watching that point in the video just imagine if when we pass through the ecliptic plane of the galaxy that the energy being pumped out by the super massive (3 million solar masses or more) black hole at the center of our galaxy is laying wait for a pathway into our solar system.

That's all I have for now. Enjoy the videos.

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