Thursday, October 25, 2012


I haven't been working with the Pyramid Math for awhile.  I have overstuffed my brain with all the numbers and it is beginning to become a blur.  When I throw myself into a problem I tend to have a million different ideas and I attack it from multiple angles until I exhaust all the "easy stuff". I am still surprised that I found the much heralded number 432 in the base measurements of the great pyramid and that with not much effort the MesoCubit or 7/4ths Cubit works out well in at least the two largest Pyramids.  I have found all kinds of relationships but don't feel it necessary to show those at this time.  One interesting factoid I found however has nothing to do with the Pyramids but rather another interesting number that popped up while I was exploring the Precession of the Equinoxes phenomenon.  It turns out that a fairly common "legend" that has come down through time also explains the Precession Data without having to have a very very very slow moving axial tilt.  This legend is that our sun has a companion and the two orbit each other. This is not a surprising idea since science has shown that single star systems are actually unusual. Binary star systems seem to be more normal.

It would not surprise me to find out in a few years, if it hasn't been hypothesized already, that stars are actually created easier by this method. Perhaps a solar body begins and builds a little gravity warp in space and then as gases rush in a natural "falling past" occurs and the system "to be" naturally begins to rotate. This may be the original impetus for a solar systems spin.  I will be keeping my eye out for that. Possibly the reverse is true and two stars moving in close to each other and then moving away in elongated elliptical orbits tearing the heavier elements from each other and setting them spinning in the void around each other.  Especially if star formation after a super nova event, which creates the heavier elements leaves rocky metallic cores laying about to attract the gases. This would explain gas giants and planets like ours with water. Many intriguing scenarios to contemplate.

I will finish this recap with just an interesting number I came up with while looking at the binary star system theory. In a nutshell here is how the numbers are going so far.  I took the time for Precession which may actually be the orbital period between Sol and its dark companion. Possibly a brown dwarf or black hole or something else. 25,920 years or so.  There is a discrepancy in the number for Precession. Some place it at just 24,000 years or so which actually boosts the binary theory because if at one time the Precession seemed to be slower and now after a few thousand years appears to be proceeding faster then the idea of an orbit is more likely. It is less likely the Earth's supposed wobble is speeding up than it is that as our sun and its companion are closing in on each other in their elliptical orbits that both our sun and the companion will begin to move faster like all objects in elliptical orbits do as they approach each other close.

So we take the original 25,920 years. The apparent speed of our sun which is 486,000 mph and we do a straight calculation.  If this speed is an average then the orbit if it were a perfect circle would be 110,423,935,272,960 miles in circumference. A light year is roughly 6,000,000,000,000 miles.  Divide the two and we get 18.4 light years. Divide by Pi to get a diameter and you have 5.85 years. This means that if our orbit is an ellipse and most likely it is, if it exists, then the "companion" could be as close or as far away as nearly 6 light years. Longer during the elongated period of the orbit and closer at the shorter faster point of the orbit. If the time for Precession used to actually be 25,920 and is now in the 24,000s then we are speeding up and hence are moving toward and not away from the companion.

A star, actually a couple or three stars, that fall within that range is The Alpha Centauri System 4 light years away.  Since we have only known the approximate distance of Alpha Centauri for less than 200 years and even though relatively close, its apparent distance wouldn't have changed much in two hundred years using parallax measurements and red shift and blue shift methods may not work since the stars in the system are moving around each other and could appear to be moving relatively in our direction or relatively away from our direction depending upon their orbital stage in comparison to each other.

I am not an astrophysicist so I don't know if all that is true. I suppose one way to determine the validity of this idea would be if their is a discrepancy in the shifts of the stars as one is moving away or towards us and if their shifts are not what one would expect.  That too remains to be seen.

Or the companion could be a brown dwarf we cannot see and is light years away still and we cannot detect it by sight or heat. Or it could be a black hole.

Anyway while doing some of the number work on this I came across the following interesting number. The approximation of a light year is 6,000,000,000,000 and the approximate speed of the motion of the sun is 486,000 mph. Divided sun speed into light year and you get 12345679.012345679_  Given my penchant to build mysteries it would have been perfect if the entire line of digits was represented. Still interesting though.  If you play with the decimals just a little and bring 486,000 out to just 486,000.004374  you can get the full number line of digits.  This of course can be accomplished also with decimals such as removing all the zeros which would bring the numbers "down to earth".  6 / .0123456789  = 486.0000044.  More interesting still is if you drop the 4 in the 10,000,000th place and divide 6 by 486.000004 you get .012345678910.  I think if I found the first 7 digits in a line somewhere in a pyramid I would be satisfied that another message is being sent. The digits 0 - 9 would be awesome.

In the paradigm of MesoCubits and most things measured in feet we can extrapolate these into feet by multiplying by 7/4ths. This turns MesoCubits back into feet.  So we would be looking for something like 10.5 / 850.000007.  We would most likely never find this level of precision if only because we could not get a 7 in the 1,000,000ths place without dealing with really large numbers. The reason that is so is that if you were trying to send a message through time made of stone and you know that stone wears over time then any measurement in the future would have to allow for a certain amount of material loss. If you tried to use numbers as small as 6 and 486.000004 or their Meso counterpart the smallest loss of material would throw off the 1,000,000ths spot. However if you made the measurement large to begin with where say an inch lost in a few thousand feet would still leave you in the 1,000,000ths range inside a ratio.  You would have to get the .000004 or .000007 part into parts of say an inch or more.  That alone would require a measurement that pushes .000004 times 1,000,000 to give you 4 inches which would make your larger part of the number 486,000 times 1,000,000. Confusing?  Yes. Just take my word for it. To try to get that kind of precision using decimals or parts in 1 million in stone and have it last for a long time isn't happening. So we won't find it there.

Smaller numbers producing the same result, if you wanted to show such a result, would be necessary. In other words a ratio of whole numbers or a formula of whole numbers that reveals the number sequence is more likely. And perhaps more elegant. Still yet if the builders used the sexigesimal system as suggested by the MesoCubit theory then me and you are both S.O.L. because even though I understand the system I don't really really understand the system.  About the extent of my knowledge is that a 432 MesoCubit base length for the Giza Pyramid is 25920 / 60. And all four sides would be 25920 / 15.

You could be clever and use a number that means something to a mathematician such as 362,880 which is the numbers 1 thru 9 in a series times each other 1 x 2 x 3 x 4...9. Which incidentally when divided by Precession = 14 which of course means I will go back and plug that into the Pyramid Calculator.  I haven't done that yet. If it produces anything I will let you know. And this is where you get to that fuzzy area I call consequences of math. If I can divide the large number by Precession (25920) then obviously I can plug in most of the other numbers such as 432 because I can plug 432 into Precession.  These paths aren't very constructive because they would appear without the intent of the message maker anyway. Such as an approximation of Phi always appearing in Pi Pyramids. To represent the number 362,880 and thus the digits 1 - 9 by extrapolation it would be as simple as 432 x 840. I haven't found 840 yet if it is even present. Carl Sagan said something about the number 840 in Cosmos. Don't remember what that was at this moment. Something about Vikings.

Also interestingly enough the reason for the number of layers of the pyramid, 210, may be what we are looking for.  The base perimeter using MesoCubits is 432 x 4 which is 1728.  1728 x 210 = 362,880. Tada!

What do you think of those apples? It is beginning to look more and more like the Pyramid is a testament to the mathematical ability of the builders and nothing more.

If the number of layers had been 200 we could easily make the case for seconds in a day according to the semi-modern definition of a second. 200 x 432 = number of seconds in a day. But that is our second and probably not a pyramid second. Note however the presence of the number 432 just in our everyday life. 200 x 432 = seconds in a day.  432 x 60 = Precession. And a pile of other things I haven't gone through yet. There are literally thousands if not 100s of thousands of documents to search for the number 432. Even Carl Sagan, in his book The Cosmos, lingers on the number and it's permutations for a page or two.  But I digress.

I have decided to convert constants that have time and length in their forms into MesoCubit measurements. Above I mentioned that if the layers of the Giza Pyramid numbered 200 I could make a case for seconds in a day.  However the MesoSecond is probably not the same as our concept of the second. Currently the second is tied to the number of ticks of a Cesium clock but that is after the second had already been determined by the length of a pendulum and convention over time. A pendulum of 994mm has a 2 second periodicity where each 1/2 swing is one second.

Using the formula for a pendulum's periodicity we can determine a time interval based on a 533.4 mm pendulum length.  Time = Tau (2 x Pi)  x Square Root of (533.4mm / 9800mm) per second squared. Note that 9800mm is 9.8 meters and the acceleration of gravity in most places is 9.8 meters per second squared. So when you do the calculation you have Tau times Square Root of 533.4/9800 and when you square root you convert the seconds squared into a standard second.  So 533.4 / 9800 = .054428571  you square root this and get roughly .233299 take that times Tau and get 1.46586.  (notice the sevenths 428571 in the 533.4/9800)  a number that keeps popping up?  9800 is 7 x 1400. or 200 x 7 Squared.  Is this the reason the use of ratios of 7 keep appearing in Egyptian and then Greek calculations?  Archimedes used 7ths when working out Pi.  Another question to build the mystery on.

So we determined that under normal Earth gravity the period of a pendulum of MesoCubit length is 1.46586 seconds. So the question then becomes what is the unit of measure. 1.46586 or half that such as for the pendulum of 994mm. I am guessing half 1.46586 but we will be able to find any numbers that "resemble" the 1.46586 just as we know a number based on Pi when we see it. Such as Tau which is 2 x Pi or 864 is 2 x 432.  So if we convert our measure of the speed of light which is in miles or kilometers, kilometers would be easier, then use our MesoSecond we can arrive at what a MesoSpeed of light would be.  The length in MesoCubits would be 562040603.674 that is the distance light travels in our version of the second in MesoCubits.  In MesoSeconds, going on the 1/2 period theory would mean we take the ratio of 1.46586/2 to get their standard unit of time which would be shorter than our second or .73293.  Multiply that times the same distance to get the distance light would travel in MesoCubits per MesoSeconds and we get 411936419  Mc/Ms. Which I notice is pretty close to the length of the edge of pyramid from corner to peak. The numbers are slightly off though.

Here is that calculation.  The edge using the measurements of 432 for base and 275 for height produce 411.019 for the edge.  As you can see we are off by 8 in the fourth digit. Decimals don't matter when you are sending a coded message remember? If I typed 31415926 without a decimal place you would still recognize it as being a representation of Pi.  So if we wanted to "jigger" our numbers and get 411019 in the pyramid edge what would have to change?  We can't mess with the base and height. The sides of this triangle are formed by the edge in question, the height, and half the hypotenuse of the base square. If we plug our light speed number of 411936 into the edge we would need a hypotenuse of 2 x 306.702. Our original hypotenuse would be 432 x Sqr2 because of the property of all squares having a hypotenuse of base x Sqr2. So that number is 305.470.  So there is a possibility of working that number in but how?

In terms of the height we could plug in 411.936 squared minus 305.470 squared and then square root the result to see how much we would have to change our height. Which means our height would have to be changed to 276.367. Let's see if that holds up on the Pi calculation of base/height. 432/276.367 = 3.1262.  Not good.  We could try changing the base length which would change the hypotenuse. We would need a hypotenuse of twice 306.702 or 613.404.  This would produce a side length of 433.742 and then our Pi calculation would be 433.742/275 = 3.1544. Not good.

Either way would throw off all the other calculations which have been very very useful so far. Besides the fact we don't even know if the MesoLightSpeed exists. The MesoSecond is possible with the use of a pendulum and the MesoCubit within reason so converting that to our Light Second isn't too far of a stretch but we will have to find confirmation elsewhere without changing our other measurements. Better to preserve several of the relationships there than to ruin them all or throw the perfection achieved so far out of whack.

I have more precise calculations to perform using more precise measurements of the constant for gravity as well as a search I am doing for the acceleration of gravity at Giza specifically.  This seems difficult to find.  I have the calculation for the period of a pendulum at Giza and I can work backward from that and then back up using my pendulum length but at the time of this writing it is nearly 1130 pm and about time to go to bed.  I wanted to get the 210 x 1728 number out there so I wrote this blog entry.  Again that number is the base in MesoCubit measurement of the perimeter times the number of layers which equals the number found by 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9.  Is this yet another display of the builder's knowledge of math? That's for you to decide.

The next entry will most likely be about the number 432 and the forms it appears in down through time.  Even Carl Sagan discussed the uncanny nature of this number in Cosmos. Interesting huh?

Pardon any misspells. I am not going to bother to proofread this until next time I log on. If you find anything interesting that stands out let me know by leaving a comment.

Thank you.

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