Wednesday, December 28, 2016

More DNA Research

     I haven't worked on this blog in awhile. I've been a little busy with just everyday life.  I built a metal forge using an old 5 gallon pail and plan on smelting some scrap copper, aluminum, and perhaps making some silver rings here in the future so that kept me a little busy.  But I did find a little time to do some programming.

     I stopped imaging the chromosomes using the 4 color scheme. While it produced some interesting patterns it wasn't really telling me anything. Besides the odds that I would stumble upon the right matrix by chance is pretty remote.  The matrix being the number I tell the computer to put dots on the screen until it drops down and displays another line.  I was using 37 because it was producing some good patterns.  But I realized that's a completely subjective way to look at it. Also the patterns just indicated a mathematical quality to the repeating sequences.

     I decided instead to approach the subject in an accounting manner. I've got several ideas planned but the first I chose already produced some interesting results. I wrote a program that counts the number of each type of Codon. In case you are new to the subject here is a primer or refresher.

    A Codon is a set of 3 bases that code for an Amino Acid. Each position in the Codon has 4 possibilities; a, c, g, or t. In the Human Genome Project files, which are in some cases over 100mb containing 100s of millions of bases, there is a very long string of these letters and just these 4 letter. With 4 possibilities and 3 positions we can figure out how many possible combinations there are. The number is 4 x 4 x 4 or 64.  So there are 64 different Codons. However there are only 20 or so amino acids. Some of the Amino Acids are coded for by different Codons.

     I told the program to simply count every time it came upon aaa, aca, aga, agt, etc. All 64 possibilities and to produce a simple graph of the results. Every 10,000 Codons I told the program to subtract the latest total from the last total for each Codon. So for example in the first sample of 10,000 there were say 1,221 of aaa. Then in the next batch of 10,000 there were say 1321. The resulting number that I would graph would be 1321 - 1221 which is 100.  So between set 1 and set 2 the Codon aaa occurred 100 more times than before. With 64 lines of data and changes this large it became impossible to graph all 64 Codons at the same time. I instead employed a reduction technique by dividing my answer by 20 and then graphing that. So in the previous example I would have graphed a change of 5 instead of 100.  This would still give me the gist of how much change there was from set to set.

     Right off the bat I noticed something odd. Here is a screen capture of that first run. This is Chromosome 1. Each single bar on the graph is a chunk of 10,000 Codons or 30,000 bases.

     If you click on the image you should get a full size view but this image as is will show you what I saw.  There are two patterns that stand out immediately. Also note that the entire 64 Codons are not represented. They started running off the screen in the series of Codons that begin with "t". I am working on changing the program to display them down the screen instead of across since monitors are wider usually than they are tall but that's later. I looked at the data below the screen and the patterns hold true so I wasn't that worried about it just yet.

     One thing you will notice is the "blank lines" going down the image.  Those are points in the file where the sequences are missing. They are represented in the files with the letter "N". In other words the Human Genome Files, or at least the ones I got for NIH are not complete. For whatever reason the complete files, if there truly is indeed a true full human genome successfully sequenced, I have yet to find those files.

      Moving on.  The next thing you should see is the 8 lines that are nearly flat compared to the rest. These occur in Codons ccg, tcg, gcg, acg, cga, cgc, cgg, and cgt.  Which is interesting because you can group them in two groups.  Codons that begin with cg and Codons that end with cg.  It appears that within groups of 10,000 Codons that contain the two bases c and g or Cytosine and Guanine change little when compared to the other 56 Codons.  There also seems to be a pattern with several Codon types such as those with "ta" but I haven't looked deeper into that just yet.

     The next pattern you may notice is that where one set of Codons rise another set, and a particular set at that, dips.  I will be looking into that. Perhaps writing a program that mirrors one Codon data set flipped above another such as the line for aga over ggc and see if they fill each other in. It would be interesting if they did.  It would perhaps show a relationship between Codon pairs.  If you look up and down the graphs you will see this phenomenon repeated everywhere.  And while at first this seems weird its really not. It actually makes sense for the most part. Obviously if there is more of a certain Codon in one area then there must be a deficiency of another simply because another is there instead of another. However you would expect this to not be so uniform.  I wouldn't say random because DNA is anything but random.  It is perhaps the most highly sophisticated code one can imagine.  Well beyond computer code that is for sure. Far more dynamic. To compare DNA code to computer code it would be like writing a computer code that when run builds more machines for it to run on but at the same time the code itself is actually a physical template for the new machine.  A crude analogy I admit and pretty much impossible as we understand computers.  Perhaps a computer that exists in a "natural form". Whatever that might be. DNA and the universe itself appear to be such a code. The question is did it get here on its own or did it have help. Suffice it to say that there are a lot of physicists and big brained people who are starting to suspect we are in some type of simulation. It sure seems that way.

     That is the subject of a much longer blog I am working on and have been working on before blogs were even invented.  But I digress.  On with the Data Show!

     This may be a way of classifying Codons in a taxonomic fashion. Such "cg" species and "ta" species etc.  That is one aspect I will be looking at.  I will most likely need to get a couple more of my computers working on these side chain ideas. Which may be easier said than done since just while writing this I am noticing more and more anomalies to examine.

     Sticking with what I have done so far however let's continue.  Of course looking into 1 chromosome does not a trend make. I discovered while running my imaging programs that any two chromosomes, while sharing distinct repeating patterns across the entire 23 chromosomes can have remarkably different features. Chromosome 19 comes to mind with more mathematical patterns per millions of bases than I saw in the others. Patterns like this below.

      If you have been reading my blog, which few do apparently, you will remember this is simply a set of colored points laid down back and forth like beads on a string. Each base was assigned a color. Red for a, Green for c, Blue for g, and Yellow for t. I read the data straight out of the files and told the computer to use small bmps I created with those colors and to lay them down for a certain length, then move over and go back the other direction. This particular method drew up and down from left to right. Later I used the method of back and forth across the screen.  The strips you see are due to the number, in this case 33, assigned to the matrix.  When the program encountered the 34th base in the file it moved over and started up, then when it got to the 67th it moved over and started down, and so on. That way I could get several panels of patterns on one display page.

     With the current program I then moved on to different chromosomes to see if the same pattern occurred again with the "cg"s.  And it did.  The next few images are of chromosomes 7, 9, 10, and X. Chromosome 12 is currently on my other computer waiting for me to graph it. I am pretty sure when I get through all 23 chromosomes I am going to see the same thing.  Here are those other chromosomes.

     I will test these images after I publish this entry to make sure they expand when clicked.

     As I said. I expect to find this for every single chromosome.  However I knew that I had manipulated the output by dividing the original result by 20 to make it fit on the screen. This does not change the fact that clearly there is a pattern in the cg's but I wanted to see what those lines looked like without the manipulation so I isolated them to give myself room on the screen. Removed the divisor of 20 and spaced them far enough apart to see the results.  This is what those squashed lines look like without the data reduced.

      So as we can see there is some change from each set of 10,000 but when compared in squashed format alongside the other Codons the change isn't much. There must be a great deal of change from set of 10,000 to set of 10,000 in some of the others that even with the data squashed they still produce greater peaks and valleys when graphed.  But something even more interesting is that between this particular "species" of Codons there is another pattern that emerges.  Apparently they change together during each block of 10,000.  I realize now I should have done another species of Codons for a comparison to show here and I will certainly do that as soon as I am done with this entry.  I will add it later so you may or may not see that depending upon when you read this.

      I also realize that the transcription position of the Codons might make a difference as well.  If a base is ignored or a sequence is ignored that throws of the Codon sets and it might make a difference. For instance if the data line acgggattgaaaccag is started at the first position you get Codons acg, gga, ttg, aaa, cca, g..... However if for whatever reason the first position is ignored the sequence of Codons would be cgg, gat, tga, aac, cag.  Which should produce a different pattern right?  So of course I tweaked the program to skip the first letter and thus change the entire Codon set.  Here is just one of the results.

     This could be an aberration. The sets of "N"s in the files don't necessarily occur in rounded sets of 3's so that if there were say 2 extra N's in a set beyond an even number of sets of 3 then say a Codon set at the end of a string of N's such as NNa or Naa or Nca or what have you would not have been counted since I compared each set of three bases to a complete list of 64 possible Codons. None of which used "N". so they were ignored as you saw with the blank lines.  I don't think however this is the case but I will check it further.  This would only show up after each section of "N"s in the data. But this also occurred with X chromosome and chromosome 1. The cg species still showed this quality which would lead me to think that sets of cg's occur in strings so that a string of data such as cga ccg ccg caa gcc gac gaa cgg gga cga occur dis-proportionally low compared to other sets. Take the string I just put up. If you start from position one you get Codons cga, ccg, ccg, caa, gcc gac gaa cgg gga cga, which yields 5 Codons of species cg. If you start at position 2  you get gac cgc cgc aag ccg acg aac ggg gac ga  This produces 5 of species cg. What does that mean?  I don't know.  The point being that perhaps DNA is constructed in a way that its hard to lose the code. The so called Stop Codons are the mechanism DNA uses to make sure this doesn't happen but it doesn't seem to change my results.

Here is a link showing the Codons and what they code for.

     One thing you will notice is that when the Codon begins with cg as in cga, cgc, cgg, cgt that they all code for the same Amino Acid namely Arginine. When the cg species is at the end of the Codon you get four different Amino Acids. I am curious about, and will pursue, the idea that the ones that code for Arginine have a pattern of their own or contribute to the pattern more strongly which would indicated perhaps a function to Arginine in the process of transcription.  This may already be known. I don't know. I don't read up on the material. I don't want to be influenced by other theories. After enough time has gone by I will look to see how much, if any, of my own personal research has become public knowledge.

I will post more as the results come in. 


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

More Giza Thoughts or Ramblings take your pick.

This post was originally shorter. I added the following because I thought I had noted it before but apparently I hadn't. And to be honest I am too lazy to reread all the posts to see if I said it.  It concerns something I discovered when I wrote a program using the numbers between 1 and 1000 to find the closest fractional approximation of Pi. I was curious if there was one closer than 432/275 that would have been in the range the Giza builders might have used.  It turns out there was and if they had wanted to express Pi only it would have been better and easier.  The values are 355 and 113. 355 / 113 gives you Pi to the 6th decimal.  3.141592.  Which if they had built the pyramid only 355 MesoCubits on a side or roughly 621 feet, 621.25 to be exact and 113 MesoCubits high or 197.75 feet they would have, even with some weathering as we see today, probably preserved a record of Pi at least to 5 decimals or the entire 6.  It certainly would have been easier to build. This tells me that the Giza Pyramid had more purpose than just demonstrating their knowledge of Pi.  Their need to use the number 432 while presenting a much greater construction challenge also allowed them to insert an incredible amount of knowledge and to display their cleverness as you will see below.

Below is the original content of this post.

While messing around with my Giza Pyramid calculations the other day the following came to me.

Subtracting height of 275 from a side length of 432 in MesoCubits you get 157 which is half Pi or at least an approximation. If you do this with feet you get 756 - 481 which is weirdly enough 275 but is not easily translated as a permutation of Pi. Also when you divide 432 by 275 you get 1.5709. If the numbers were off slightly either way as in the following 4 mutations you would get.

431 - 275 = 156   multiplying by 2 = 312
433 - 275 = 158   "                     " = 316
431 / 275 = 1.567272  " " = 3.134
433 / 275 = 1.5745    " " = 3.149

From that set we see that a change in base length by 1 MesoCubit takes us further from Pi.

For the heck of it we will examine changing the height.

432 - 274  = 158   ==> 316
432 - 276 = 156    ==> 312
432 / 274 = 1.5766 ==> 3.153
432 / 276 = 1.5652 ==> 3.1304

Now changing both to one higher cubit or one lower cubit

433 - 276 = 157     ==> 314
433 / 276 = 1.5688  ==> 3.1376
431 - 274 = 157     ==> 314
431 / 274 = ~ 1.573 ==> 3.145

As we can see using 432 MesoCubits for the base and 275 MesoCubits for the height gives us the closest approximation of Pi or Tau depending upon which side of the Tau/Pi fence you are on. Although I use Pi when writing, because most people were taught Pi, I prefer Tau. Tau, as I have explained earlier, is a more organically derived number.  But I digress.

432 / 275 = 1.5709 with 09 repeating which turns to a Pi value of 3.141818181818.... and Tau of 6.28363636...

This puts Pyramid Pi off of "true Pi" by just .0003 or 3/10,000ths.  A very precise ratio. The ratio we are taught in school of 22 / 7 translates forward into 3.1428 where we see that the error occurs at the 1,000ths place thus showing that the 432 / 275 is a much better fraction to use.

Is a higher precision possible with fractions alone?  Probably but the "perfection" or "symmetry" of using 432 and 275 are exquisite.  432 - 275 instantly gives you a very good "sign" that the builders are contemplating Pi. And yes if they were contemplating Tau and we are meant to divide the 4 sides together, which is 12 cubed, and divide that by the height we would get a good number for Tau. We cannot however find the same magic when we subtract 275 from 1728 we get 1453. Which may or may not mean something. It is a prime number. The 231st prime number.  Lets play around with that while I'm thinking about it.  If you recall from an earlier post I discovered that the 12th prime number was 37 which when multiplied equaled another favorite number of mine 444. Point being you never know where you will end up playing with primes.

1453 x 231 = 335,643. Which means nothing to me.
1453 + 231 = 1684.  Which also means nothing to me.
1453 / 231 = 6.29004.  Which rings no bells at the moment either.
1453 - 231 = 1,222.  I like the repeating 2s but still nothing.

We will put those off to the side for awhile and see if anything turns up in the future.

In an earlier post on the Giza Pyramid I theorized that further evidence that the builders intended the structure to demonstrate their knowledge and perhaps in a "farfetched" possibility a message in the form of knowledge or fore knowledge that we might find other constants in the numbers.  The number for Precession of the Equinoxes is there as I show in the calculations.  Also a very close approximation of Phi which I showed comes up in all Pi Pyramids.  While watching a show hosted by Brian Cox, the actor not the Physicist, an idea I had played with before came to me.  That idea was to take the circle you can make on the outside of the base of the Great Pyramid and subtract its circumference from the circle you can create inside the base.  Previously I was on the right track but since my notes are scattered here and yon I didn't see that I had arrived at the same conclusion. The speed of light might be built into the numbers of the pyramid.  Here are the calculations.

Now recall or realize that it is not necessary to produce the exact number to show that you are trying to portray that number. If I write the number 31415926 or the number 3.1415926 or present either to you as the product of solving a problem such as the volume of a cube or sphere, which would be cool, then I am obviously trying to demonstrate Pi. Where the decimal point turns up isn't relevant unless you are very picky. And even though it is my suspicion that the builders were very mathematically advanced and could give us several decimal places they were also smart enough to realize that as few as four digits are enough to demonstrate a point.

The values for the Speed of Light in Metric and American are 299,792,458 meters per second and 186,282 miles per second respectively.  We would want to find the MesoCubit equivalent which I did once before but I don't recall if I put it in this blog.  In case I didn't here it is.  Simply take the metric number and divide by the metric number for the MesoCubit or 299,792,458 (meters) and divide by .5334 (meters) which is a MesoCubit. You get 562,040,603 MesoCubits per second.  If you do the calculation as I did once before and saw again in the video on youtube you make a circle on the outside of the base of the pyramid. This would give you a diameter for the circle of 432 times the square root of 2 which is 1.414. Multiplied you get 610.94... multiply that times Pi and you get a circle of 1,919.3238.  To get the inner circle the diameter would be the length of the base by itself. This gives a circle of 432 x Pi or 1357.1668.  When we subtract the two we get roughly 562157....  Without trimming or rounding following the calculation straight through you get 562,157,393.  If you trim down to whole numbers while doing the calculations you get 56206..... The point here being as I have said before. If you are intent on producing a particular result it is possible to play with the numbers to get what you want. More decimals or fewer can sometimes do the trick.

I'm skeptical that this is a representation of the speed of light. If we work the calculation out in English Measurements we get 186,226  which is pretty good.  In metric we get roughly 299,703,005.

All of which take us to the 4th digit in the sequence before the value goes off significantly.  Is 4 correct digits enough to say the Speed of Light is being shown here?  I'm not convinced. At least I'm not convinced this is what is being shown by the Pyramid. However if you notice that no matter what measuring system is used we get close to the Speed of Light in that system of measure. This tells me more about two circles bounded by a square than it does about this particular pyramid. Although the size of the pyramid does matter in arriving at these close approximations. I decided to explore the equation itself and see what this tells us.

Using MesoCubits the equation goes as follows; 432 x Sqr(2) x Pi - 432 x Pi or 562.05.... * using 3.141 as the value for Pi.  If we eliminate the things that are redundant in the equation which is the number 432 we get Sqr(2) x Pi - Pi = 1.301.  We can use this as a constant for any circumstance of a circle outside a square and a circle inside the square. Then all you need to do is plug in the values in what ever system of measure you are using. We can even run the equation backward to try and find the size Pyramid base you would need to get a closer match to the value for the Speed of Light in that measuring system.

First lets test our constant. MC 432 x 1.301 = 562.032.  Metric 230.4 x 1.301 = 299.7504  English 756 x 1.301 = 983.556 (which is feet not miles) we must divide by 5280 to get miles. or  .186279

So if we reverse engineer the problem. 562,040,603 MesoCubits per second divided by 1.301 = 432,006,612.  Spin that around and you get 432.006 MesoCubits would have given us a value very very close to the number for the Speed of Light in Meso Cubits. If we imagined that given wear and tear on the structure that it was actually built at 432.006 Meso Cubits and used that to recalculate Pi we would get 432.006 / 275 = 3.1418618....virtually unchanged.

We can conclude from this that the calculation could have been there. The first 4 numbers are correct and to have gotten 6 numbers correct would have taken a high rate of precision. If the Pyramids base was 1 cubit shorter the answer would have been 431 x 1.301 = 560.....Off after only 3 digits. So to stick with my theory about Whole Numbers being sacred or preferred at least and the value of Pi or Tau being very important to this pyramid along with the Precession of the Equinoxes as well as the factorial of 9! Which is derived from the perimeter times the number of layers which is 210, it may have been a bonus to get close to the value of the Speed of Light. Although I haven't given up on the idea that there may be something intrinsic between the the value of Pi, Square root of 2, and the speed of light. It's a thought that has come back to me time and time again over the decades.

Perhaps even more interesting however, the pyramid and it's builders intentions aside, is how does this particular size of pyramid, regardless of the measuring system used, come so close to the speed of light in all systems?  Was light used to lay it out?  Is 432 somehow related to the speed of light along with the equation formed by putting two circles inside and outside of a square where the diameter of one is the hypotenuse of the square and the diameter of the other is the side? Which leads you to realize that perhaps the Speed of Light, or at least how we measure it, is related to the Square Root of 2 and the number 1.301? Is it somehow related to the size of the MesoCubit which is 533.4mm?  Or is it just dumb luck that this particular size of a base produces a number that close to light?

More likely it has solely to do with this size of a base. So did the constant 1.301 formed from (Sqr(2) x Pi) - Pi mean something to the builders? To answer these questions, some of which are sophomoric I admit, we need to find out why 432 itself is so special and is there a natural corollary to the 533.4mm Meso Cubit in nature.  Which is 21 inches incidentally.

To recap I have shown the interesting fact that subtracting the height from a side in what I am calling the MesoCubit System produces a 3 digit half value of Pi. Dividing a side by the height produces the same number to 3 digits. Subtracting the circumference of a circle that rests just inside the base from one that rests just outside the base comes close to producing the MesoCubit value for the speed of light. This is also true in the Metric and English measuring systems which seems very odd on the surface isn't really that big of a surprise. The value is linked to this particular length regardless of the system being used to measure it.  And we also saw that 432 / 275 for a multitude of reasons is a better fraction for getting a good approximation of Pi than the classical 22 / 7.

I will be working on the idea that the base length is possibly some segment of the speed of light. Also it is worth noting that the notion of the time interval known as the second is artificial. A pure human construct. The builders of the pyramid regardless of their level of sophistication probably had their own notions of time.  Could they have encoded this into the pyramid as well?  If so perhaps this might change the precision of the speed of light calculation. For example if their measure of a time interval close to that of a second is less than ours then the number we found 562,040,603 (MesoCubits conversion from Metric speed of light) compared to the number derived from the circles, 562,157,393 a difference of 116,790 or .0207% off which is pretty good. But if their measurement of the time interval that is roughly a second but not a second is different in just the right way we might see a greater amount of precision.

Would they have discovered the periodicity of pendulums as we did and used perhaps a MesoCubit as their pendulum length? You can do the calculation for such a pendulum using the equation 2 x Pi x the Square root of Length of the pendulum over Gravity. Or you can use the calculator you can find online. Just type in a length. Using a length of 533.4mm and a gravity constant of 9.80665 m/s2 I got 1.466 seconds. So a MesoCubit Second is significantly longer than a regular second. If we put that back into our calculations by dividing the 562,040,603 by 1.466 we get 383,436,077 so no luck there. Unless a different measurement was used. The next question is how long of a pendulum would you need to produce the "correct second".  You can work the equation a different way and put in time and figure out the length that way. Of course this was done for us when the standard second was decided. An interesting read all by itself.

More relationships seem to be appearing in the calculation plus many side chain thoughts as I call them. I think my next task will be to build a model of the pyramid of different materials and see what effects may occur. I will post the results, and perhaps a video on YouTube, if I find anything interesting.

That's it for now.

P.S.  Note that the equation for periodicity of a pendulum uses Tau even though it is expressed as 2 x Pi.

Another P.S. - I didnt feel it necessary to make a whole new post for this "discovery" so I just edited this post. I used a different value for g in my pendulum equations. Instead of 9.8m/s2 I used the more precise 9.81m/s and got a period of 1.48 seconds. I will rework the Speed of Light calculations using that number or half that number. Also while playing with other ratios I happened to divide the height of 275 by layers, 210, and multiplied that times Pi. I got a very close match to the side length from corner to peak.  I don't know if it means anything yet but I worked the numbers with other Pi Pyramid models and this doesn't work unless it is a method for deciding how many layers to use. I will study that angle and get back to you.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Just a Rant For February

This is a continuation of a Rant on the youtube channel Illuminati Silver.

Click The Link Below And Then Come Back.

This of course is a minor sample. Very minor. But I have also been paying attention to all kinds of things. A trend I have noticed is not a new one. The co-opting of ideas or achievements for each generation. Now it seems like its the Millennials turn to be "the smart ones". Never mind that the greatest thing the latest generations have produced are cutesy little cell phone apps and social media buzz. But just America and Whites in general rewrote reality by claiming people like Edison created the light bulb or scrubbing the genius of someone like Nikola Tesla, a Serbian who actually invented AC Generators and Radio, out of the history books, or Watson and Crick whom we all know by now stole the proof of the double helix from a woman, Rosalind Franklin. And piles upon piles of lies we now call history.

The list of fraud and re-written history is so great you could refill all the libraries with them. And the conspiracies to do so existed at the basic level of just bigoted racist low self esteem redneck type to the halls of Ivy League thinkers and world leaders who sought to project a false sense of White/Anglo superiority. Many people are never taught that Marconi lost a suit that went to the Supreme Court, after Tesla was dead of course, that stated that MARCONI STOLE most of his work and actual patents. People are taught that Columbus discovered America which is such utter nonsense just from a logical stand point but is so patently racist as to be frightening and ridiculous at the same time. Even if Columbus, who was possibly a secret version of the Knights Templar, had actually stepped foot on the so called North American Continent there were already people here as far back as 11,000 years prior. The very idea that history is taught that it only counts when Whitey does it is the proof you need that the "powers that be" conspire now and have conspired for centuries to create a false narrative that suits them and not the edification of mankind in general. We are never taught that electric cars and cars running on moonshine (ethanol) were early in Ford's thinking and it was the machinations of the oil companies and whores like Edison that saw to it that Ford got stuck with the combustion engine.

Electric cars aren't new but to hear the corporate and social media tell it they were invented yesterday. The new discovered but yet unproven Planet X or IX whichever BS narrative you believe about our Solar System ISN'T NEW and the evidence of its existence isn't new. But the History Re-Writers would have you believe it is. In the mid 1990s I was a regular raving lunatic in AOL Chatrooms like GIAM which stands for God Is A Myth. I had the name Hypersapien in case anyone else ever went there and are curious. Anyway I had a habit of switching sides a lot just for the pleasure of debating and alternately helping and crushing people's arguments. One time while taking the side of the Christians in the room I told an Atheist that actually contrary to their statement that "there is not enough water in all the oceans to account for the water in the Great Flood even if you don't cover Mt Everest....". I was grateful for that last tidbit because it put less burden on me. I then told them about a theory I had that says basically that water is everywhere not just in the rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Water soaks into the ground and not all makes it back to the ocean. There is 40 miles of crust and at some point water will go down until it meets hot rock and be pushed back up as steam thus never making it below some imaginary point but that leaves 40 miles of caverns, rocks, soils, etc to hold all that moisture. My calculations said there could be as much as 3 times the amount in the oceans locked up in the crust. This idea seems obvious.

I recently saw this "theory" re-hashed online now some 20 years later as if it is a new idea. I doubt I was even the first to think of it. Watching Through The Wormhole for me is like watching my time from being a Teen to my current age of nearly 50 and the thousands of science books and articles I have read puked back up as something new.

Incidentally I have refined that theory since then to explain what seems like random flooding events such as the 1993 Mississippi spillover and the 2008 flood that hit the midwest. This theory says that a "harmonic" lifting and easing of these underground waters develops over time so that as water is pulled up into the various regions in the ground it allows less run off and may even be pulled to the surface. It would make complete sense that the rivers, seas, lakes, etc are where the water enters the ground and therefore sitting just beneath them is super saturated zones. It kind of like putting a vacuum over a sponge except instead of low air pressure you use the gravity of the moon as your suction along with the energy of the earths spin etc.

My whole point being that like the article in the link I gave from over 90 years ago what you people think is new is rarely news. And just like the 20th century was spent bleaching and massaging history and stashing contradictory fossil evidence in the basements of museums, hiding ancient written knowledge, or just holding a HITLER or Evangelical BOOK BURNING PARTY much of what you will see these days is OLD NEWS or OLD IDEAS dusted off, handed like a baton to the next manufactured runner, and shot out there for you to oggle and goggle over as if it means something.

A single study of Chinese History will set you straight on a lot of things. Who invented paper. Who are the first recorded well drillers not diggers. Who invented sailing ships. Who invented movable type. Hint not Gutenberg. Where does some of the oldest sunspot data come from? Nova data, and much much more.

Through systematic tampering by explorers like Cook and political steering over the last few centuries we have succeeded in taking possibly one of the most advanced societies destined for greatness and turning them into what looks like a bunch of kowtowing morons lead around by the nose by their oppressive government. I am sure some of this destruction was self inflicted as well. You probably don't know that Arabs invented Algebra and that may not even be true. It may go back further than that. You probably think ancient Greece is where everything scientific and mathematic comes from. Except so called Ancient Egyptian Artifacts and Sumerian/Akkadian artifacts show a clear knowledge of geometry and concepts like Pi, Phi, and golden triangles.

How does this relate to this channel? The people it gets its name from whether real or borrowed represent an unbroken line of knowledge from very ancient times. Along the way you find different names and even competing groups like Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians, and others we may not even know about that while Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton were trying to figure out the motions of the planets already knew what was going on. I encourage anyone to look up the Antikythera machine. An analog computer made of wheels and gears that when operated would show you the position of planets and alignments into the future. This "computer" is 2000 years old. Of course it would be simple enough to rebuild the thing, run it, and some hired science hitman to poo poo its accuracy, which is a lot how modern corporate/government owned science works, and the people who say "Uh hey wait. If they had this 2,000 years ago then what's with all that Columbus, Copernicus, Magellan, Newton, Kepler shit". Well its exactly that. Shit.

What that hired hitman doesn't bring to the discussion is that if mankind had this level of technology and knowledge 2000 years ago then why has mankind spent the last 500 years relearning everything.  And what you will discover is that the rise of global powers coincided with the rise in global ignorance.

I once thought to myself in my mid to late twenties that everything important had been done. The only thing left was for people to specialize because every major idea had been thought of. Man "had a good bead on things" to quote Agent K from MIB. Recently however we find out that hmmmm it turns out that DNA has switches that turn off and on and that life experience is actually passed genetically across generations. This is called Epigenetics.We now know of ancient batteries found in what is now Baghdad.  We have found the Pythagorean Theorem on objects a thousand years older than Pythagoras. There have been found, and reported nearly a hundred years ago, a collection of giant skeletons found in North America.  Now those skeletons are missing. We have the new fleet of telescopes around Earth finding that a good portion of Astrophysic Theories are wrong.  The size of stars, the age of stars, the composition of stars, the formation of gas giants close to their parent stars, etc.

Imagine what you still aren't being told. Do we have alien technology?  I doubt it but then why are we being led to believe that we do? Is it UFO nuts doing the leading or is it both the nuts and the powers that be who are obviously in the disinformation and dissemination of ignorance business now as they have always been?  What benefits are gained by an ignorant population?  Well perhaps the dumber you are the easier it is to tell you that you need to borrow your own money and since you probably aren't a math wiz don't realize that if you have to borrow your own money and pay interest on that money and you have to borrow the money to do that then you are never out of debt. That's the Federal Reserve.  Why does a giant bank or brokerage get to write off billions in bad gambling debts but a student is hounded until they die for a few thousand dollars? Why are Christians allowed to interfere with the teaching of science in schools?

The root of all conspiracy and conspiracies is CONTROL. If you are ignorant you are much easier to control. It's easier to steal the diamonds and gold in some remote part of Africa if the locals are starving, diseased, and under the threat of death from "rebels". It is easier to strip someone of their rights if they don't have a gun. And if they have a gun it is easier to strip them of their rights if you either invent a terrorist event or allow a "natural one" to happen. It is easier to keep a person a slave if you make them want things they can only have if they work for you and if the money they are paid is imaginary anyway and you own that too then its as if you aren't paying them at all. And when the bill for all this comes due you throw the debt on to them as well. And you hand over the ownership of all resources to a few and make it either fiscally impossible for a person to provide for themselves through laws and rules created by bought and paid for politicians or you just send a guy to cut their brake line, hack their cars computer, give them a dose of radioactive metal poisoning, or a thousand other ways you take care of trouble makers.

That's the world you currently live in. Every bit a manufactured lie as THE MATRIX just not nearly as flashy and cool. Oh and you don't get to fly.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Illuminati Silver - Long Answer


A journey into the possible and the weird


        Let me "set the stage"  first. There is an estimated 5.8 billion ounces of Gold above ground. Those are not Troy ounces so multiply by 28 and divide by 31 not that it matters much. Even at say $1100 per troy ounce we are talking about 5.2 billion troy ounces times $1100 or 5.7 Trillion dollars. This obviously isn't enough to cover a country like America's debts and who would they sell it too anyway? Even if during a Greater Depression Americans were some how generating only 2 Trillion or less in tax revenue and deficits went to say 2 trillion this would cover America for 3 years. The rest of the world be damned of course. j/k

        Of course you adjust all these numbers higher based on what the SHTF rate might be.

        Now you spread that Gold out around the world. America supposedly has 8100 tonnes with the next country being Germany. And a small side note here America is holding a large part of the Gold for the rest of the world and the odds they would get it back when the SHTF is pretty slim since they can't even get it back right now. But I digress.

        So lets do that calculation. 2,200 pounds per tonne times 16 ounces times 28 divide by 31 to convert to Troy ounces times 8100 times 1100 equals roughly 280 billion. Big whoopty Doo. That wont pay the interest on our National Debt for half a year. Actually instead of doing long calculations like this you can multiply a "regular ounce" by a factor of .911 to convert to troy ounces when doing rough estimates. All you numerology trolls just got excited with .911 being the conversion factor didn't you?

        So Gold isn't going to help most governments but it will help the owners of the banks. Not the depositors. They are screwed.

        There are lots of factors to consider of course. If your Gold is worth $11,000 an ounce US when a US Dollar is worth 10 cents and you bought at $1100 then you do okay. Break even in buying power. There are other considerations even when figuring this out. Buying Power is shifty. If hyperinflation kicks in a loaf of bread might cost $10 and most likely people now making $10 an hour won't see their pay rise by the same factor. On the other hand lets say that if you had an index based on bread, which at my local store at its cheapest is sometimes $1.00 a loaf and If I had $2.00 I could buy two loaves of bread or a gallon of gas which is about $1.80 right now. But when things start to move and in the previous paradigm I laid out with Iran pumping more oil into the system I would not expect gas to rise by the same amount as bread. I need bread but if I don't have a job or my job is close and the profiteers went to $10 a gallon for gas I would walk to the store and buy bread instead of spend it on gas. And so on. Now there are other considerations. My mortgage is set. I am not one of the idiots who took an adjustable rate mortgage. Mine is fixed. My payment is fixed so if I saved some dollars and dollars aren't totally abolished then I can pay my old mortgage with old dollars regardless of what they are worth now. If I have Gold and it goes to $10,000 an ounce that would be awesome in terms of my mortgage. A person with say $50k left on their mortgage could spend $5500 right now on 5 ounces of gold, and if it went to $5,000 an ounce, sell it and pay off their mortgage effectively for $5500.

         On the other hand if I have a credit card which can change my rate as they like then they can adjust my payments to cover their problems. You already pay for all the dead beats they hand out credit too. That's why you pay loan shark rates of 20% and higher.

         The guys at the banks have done these calculations and when they start to fail they have only one concern. Themselves. While the banks might be acquiring Gold, Real Estate, etc with their depositors money they are private businesses and when they close their doors and everything goes into litigation for years they will have the cash in the vault and the Gold and other assets to fight in court, leave the country, etc.

        And I don't think it is anymore complicated than that because they certainly don't hold enough gold at any likely price to cover their debts, investments, interest, leveraged debt out the whazoo, etc. It is literally a Golden Parachute for the owners and top co-conspirators. (only kind of joking on that last part)

        I could write a book on any one aspect of this whole thing and still not come even close to covering the scope for that one thing. Just like the book writers like Dent, Schiff, Rickards, etc. That's why you have to BOIL THINGS DOWN FOR YOURSELF and POSITION YOURSELF. But even then you may boil it down wrong. It is like trying to tell someone after the fact what happened on the field during the last play of a Football Game (American). The Quarterback dropped back into the pocket, the line stood up and did a pass guard, a Back found an opening in the middle, the QB threw the ball, the Back had room to run and TOUCHDOWN. But inside all that Right Guard Joe Schmoe could have slipped and fallen down allowing the Defensive Guard in a bit, the Center sees this and pushes sideways and knocks the penetrating Guard toward the Tackle, and the next Defensive Guard sees the hole vacated by the Center and rushes in causing the QB to step back but at the same time the people trying to rush in the hole that originally began with the Offensive Guard slipping all shift like water down a drain trying to get into that hole and that winds up leaving the middle open for the Receiver. So in essence a slip by the Guard created a sack opportunity that in the end created a scoring opportunity for the Offense.

        Financial stuff and life in general is like that times a million. It is currently obvious that more oil from Iran will drop prices even further but if I were a conspiracy theory guy I would be watching for sabotage of Iran's now aging pumping capacity. Some might think you could sabotage a refinery and raise prices of gas because you temporarily hurt the supply. And that is true of gasoline but when you take out a refinery you also create a choke point for the movement of supply. With one less refinery to supply those stockpiling OIL have no place to send it so at some point they can't buy anymore because they can't store it and Saudi Arabia could have 10 million extra barrels and if no one can store 1 million more it sits in the harbor with no where to go. I wouldn't be surprised to see oil tankers sitting off the coasts of countries like the US and China with no where to unload. Another hurricane in the American Gulf like Katrina and we have a problem.

       You could sell future contracts if you are Saudi Arabia or all the other OPEC countries to keep the cash flowing.  You could sell your entire output for the next year up front and in fact that's what happens now. Buy now deliver later.  The problem with that is what we are seeing play out. People bought futures all the way down the tumbling price of oil.  Someone paid $100 a barrel and by the time that contract got fulfilled oil was down to $90, then again at $80, etc.  That's why it didn't totally collapse the system.  It's those people with contracts so far out in the future that bought in at $100 and the price is now down to $30 that are screwed.  The others just lost increments of $10 or whatever each cycle.  And that's what makes FUTURES buying risky and now even riskier in an unstable unpredictable market. It is also how you can go from a modest buy to wealthy very quickly.  It can work both ways obviously.  Of course this is an over simplification. I'm only pushing ideas here not sound financial advice.

     This is also where someone willing to play rough with the means to play rough can effect the direction of a market. It is also how someone watching from the outside might spot "a play" in the works.  In the before mentioned scenario where a refinery is damaged or Iran's infrastructure is damaged a person might position themselves to benefit from that.  This is played out on very very large scales such as destroying the economy of an entire country like Russia. Saudi Arabia pumps like mad to drive the price down and those dependent on mostly oil revenue like Russia suffer. It would not be a surprise to me to see ISIS, which is either a true independent actor being aided by outside forces, or a totally artificial construct meant to cause problems, either way they can be steered toward Iran. Or even a small "faction" sent in to suicide bomb some of Iran's infrastructure.  Which would be the cheapest and most plausible scenario.  If I were Iran right now I would be posting everyone I possibly could around my borders and around my oil fields.

     How would you spot this particular play?  Keep your eyes out on the news. The corporate news is a tool like everything else.  Do we really need to know that a bus load of nuns went off a cliff in Peru?  Does that really effect my life in Illinois?  No.  But you fire off twenty stories per day of death and despair around the world and you have a psychological tool used to keep people off balance. The news is also used as a tool to psychologically set the stage for the acceptance of something to come. If you wish to hit a target like Iran's oil fields to shut down part of the supply you start putting out stories about ISIS having a grudge against Iran. Every now and then you have a story about supposed exposed plots against the same. You run this for awhile in varying different angles and then when it happens no one is surprised.

      Sounds like Conspiracy Theory doesn't it?  Anyone reading my blog from the beginning will see how I like to craft Conspiracy Theories and Mysteries.  But ask yourself do you really need to know 20 people died in Peru?  Do  you really need to know about some dude in Norway keeping girls locked up in a basement for 5 years?  Do you really need to know any of the hundreds of horrible things you read about per year in the news?  Then ask yourselves what did you really need to know?  Did you need to know that a Bush was working for the Saudi company in charge of security for the twin towers?  Did you need to know that a list was made prior to the 2000 election by Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris of felons and people with names similar to felons in light of the fact that George Bush won the presidency in his brother's state by a mere 573 votes in an election where the other guy got 500,000 more votes nationwide?  And knowing that does it cause you to reflect on why the United States has such a provision in its election process to subvert the will of the people?  Electing the son of a previous president whose cabinet members wanted to take over a large portion of the Middle Eastern Oil fields in the early 90s but didn't get the opportunity.  The creation of fake intelligence to facilitate the attack on a target under the pretense of a War On Terror when 15 of the 911 attackers were Saudi not Iraqi?  And would this knowledge explain why Saudis are now taking a huge pay cut in their oil to help destroy Russia?  Does any of that figure into your thinking?  And are they actually taking a pay cut? Are the stories of US Treasury plates for $100 bills and presses being given to Saudi Arabia years ago have any truth?  And who audits these people to see if they really are only getting $30 a barrel for oil?  Do their accounts reflect that?

      But what if I spun this back the other direction and let history exonerate these would be conspirators?  That can be done too.  What if you looked off in the distance as the member of the NWO, ILLUMINATI, G7, OR WHOEVER and knew something was coming.  What if you did the math and realized that you have 70 million people about to retire over a span of 20 or so years and they would be sucking up more benefits than you can pay?  Or any of a number of other "perfect storm scenarios" you can envision. And you run the country that owns the most powerful military on the planet and has the most influence and you believe that any weakness in that country would cause an unbelievable amount of suffering in the world in general if you aren't THE ONE ON THE WALL. And in this scenario it doesn't matter if this is true or if it is just what you believe to be true.  If you are standing up to  your knees in gas and your enemy lights a match do you wait until they are close to blow it out or pull your 9mm and shoot them before they enter the room? A poor example perhaps of preemptive action but you get the point. 

       Or lets go way off into Conspiracy land.  Let's go back to the words of Ronald Reagan who suddenly decided Russia wasn't our enemy and that we both may some day face an enemy "not of this world".  A speech he gave incidentally.  Would it then seem understandable why we stop building a "Star Wars" defense shield and shared the technology against a possible common enemy?  And what about the recent buried story of Hilary Clinton and John Podesta wanting to open the documents on UFOs?  Does that figure in?  What about Eisenhower who we know warned us about the rise of the "Military Industrial Complex" this is a matter of fact. You can watch the speech yourself. But did he also threaten to invade Area 51 because they wouldn't tell him their secrets? In fact you can watch any number of videos of people who "would know" talking both up front and in circumspect about what they know.  -  Reagan speech to UN.  - Eisenhower MIC speech  - John Podesta  - Gordon Cooper Astronaut  - Edgar Mitchell Apollo Astronaut  - Buzz Aldrin UFOs and Phobos Monolith

      Does the government and people who are close to the government have special knowledge that we don't.  I think the answer to that is a no brainer. Obviously they do.  Does this have anything to do with the lunacy that is our current society and our current state of affairs?  You can approach this idea from several viewpoints.  Is it a scenario like Independence Day where Judd Hirsch points out you don't pay thousands for a toilet seat. You buy a $30 toilet seat and put the rest in a black fund. Or like Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact where money is siphoned off to prepare for an asteroid impact.

      Crazy stuff right?  Is it simply the super wealthy, who don't even appear in the Forbes Fortune lists because their wealth is so vast that it doesn't even matter anymore, manipulating the world for their own ends or for the ends of humanity in general.  I mean how petty would you have to be when you are wealthy enough that money doesn't even matter anymore to attempt to move the worlds economy around to suit yourself. Making money doesn't matter anymore. You absolutely can have anything you want on the planet earth and even nearby in space if you wanted it bad enough. What does another billion here or there mean?  Is it the money they want?  The digits in a computer?  The numbers on cloth bills?  Or are those just means to an end.  What if you needed tons of gold for a radiation shield and silver for electrical contacts. Platinum for catalysts. Diamonds for drills.  If you can print or create all the money you want but what you wanted were materials what better way to acquire all of it you can than to make it all dirt cheap and buy it up?  Why not buy it up at any price if you could print all the money you want?  If I bought ten tons of gold when it was $1900 then someone is going to ask where I got that money. But if I buy ten tons over a decade as it slides down to $1100 it isn't as noticeable.  Is a piece of land integral to your plan?  Bust the market and buy it up. Are you building a DNA ark for future survival of the species?  Use the healthcare and justice systems to DNA sample everyone you can.

      It all looks like rampant and possibly failing capitalism. But is it something else?

     That's the bigger question isn't it?

     I will edit this later for grammar and spelling. Going to watch UFO videos for awhile. LOL