This is a continuation of a Rant on the youtube channel Illuminati Silver.
Click The Link Below And Then Come Back.
This of course is a minor sample. Very minor. But I have also been
paying attention to all kinds of things. A trend I have noticed is not a
new one. The co-opting of ideas or achievements for each generation.
Now it seems like its the Millennials turn to be "the smart ones". Never
mind that the greatest thing the latest generations have produced are
cutesy little cell phone apps and social media buzz. But just America
and Whites in general rewrote reality by claiming people like Edison
created the light bulb or scrubbing the genius of someone like Nikola
Tesla, a Serbian who actually invented AC Generators and Radio, out of
the history books, or Watson and Crick whom we all know by now stole the
proof of the double helix from a woman, Rosalind Franklin. And piles upon piles of lies we now call history.
The list of fraud and re-written history is so great you could refill all the libraries with them. And the conspiracies to do so existed at the basic level of just bigoted racist low self esteem redneck type to the halls of Ivy League thinkers and world leaders who sought to project a false sense of White/Anglo superiority. Many people are never taught that Marconi lost a suit that went to the Supreme Court, after Tesla was dead of course, that stated that MARCONI STOLE most of his work and actual patents. People are taught that Columbus discovered America which is such utter nonsense just from a logical stand point but is so patently racist as to be frightening and ridiculous at the same time. Even if Columbus, who was possibly a secret version of the Knights Templar, had actually stepped foot on the so called North American Continent there were already people here as far back as 11,000 years prior. The very idea that history is taught that it only counts when Whitey does it is the proof you need that the "powers that be" conspire now and have conspired for centuries to create a false narrative that suits them and not the edification of mankind in general. We are never taught that electric cars and cars running on moonshine (ethanol) were early in Ford's thinking and it was the machinations of the oil companies and whores like Edison that saw to it that Ford got stuck with the combustion engine.
Electric cars aren't new but to hear the corporate and social media tell it they were invented yesterday. The new discovered but yet unproven Planet X or IX whichever BS narrative you believe about our Solar System ISN'T NEW and the evidence of its existence isn't new. But the History Re-Writers would have you believe it is. In the mid 1990s I was a regular raving lunatic in AOL Chatrooms like GIAM which stands for God Is A Myth. I had the name Hypersapien in case anyone else ever went there and are curious. Anyway I had a habit of switching sides a lot just for the pleasure of debating and alternately helping and crushing people's arguments. One time while taking the side of the Christians in the room I told an Atheist that actually contrary to their statement that "there is not enough water in all the oceans to account for the water in the Great Flood even if you don't cover Mt Everest....". I was grateful for that last tidbit because it put less burden on me. I then told them about a theory I had that says basically that water is everywhere not just in the rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Water soaks into the ground and not all makes it back to the ocean. There is 40 miles of crust and at some point water will go down until it meets hot rock and be pushed back up as steam thus never making it below some imaginary point but that leaves 40 miles of caverns, rocks, soils, etc to hold all that moisture. My calculations said there could be as much as 3 times the amount in the oceans locked up in the crust. This idea seems obvious.
I recently saw this "theory" re-hashed online now some 20 years later as if it is a new idea. I doubt I was even the first to think of it. Watching Through The Wormhole for me is like watching my time from being a Teen to my current age of nearly 50 and the thousands of science books and articles I have read puked back up as something new.
Incidentally I have refined that theory since then to explain what seems like random flooding events such as the 1993 Mississippi spillover and the 2008 flood that hit the midwest. This theory says that a "harmonic" lifting and easing of these underground waters develops over time so that as water is pulled up into the various regions in the ground it allows less run off and may even be pulled to the surface. It would make complete sense that the rivers, seas, lakes, etc are where the water enters the ground and therefore sitting just beneath them is super saturated zones. It kind of like putting a vacuum over a sponge except instead of low air pressure you use the gravity of the moon as your suction along with the energy of the earths spin etc.
My whole point being that like the article in the link I gave from over 90 years ago what you people think is new is rarely news. And just like the 20th century was spent bleaching and massaging history and stashing contradictory fossil evidence in the basements of museums, hiding ancient written knowledge, or just holding a HITLER or Evangelical BOOK BURNING PARTY much of what you will see these days is OLD NEWS or OLD IDEAS dusted off, handed like a baton to the next manufactured runner, and shot out there for you to oggle and goggle over as if it means something.
A single study of Chinese History will set you straight on a lot of things. Who invented paper. Who are the first recorded well drillers not diggers. Who invented sailing ships. Who invented movable type. Hint not Gutenberg. Where does some of the oldest sunspot data come from? Nova data, and much much more.
Through systematic tampering by explorers like Cook and political steering over the last few centuries we have succeeded in taking possibly one of the most advanced societies destined for greatness and turning them into what looks like a bunch of kowtowing morons lead around by the nose by their oppressive government. I am sure some of this destruction was self inflicted as well. You probably don't know that Arabs invented Algebra and that may not even be true. It may go back further than that. You probably think ancient Greece is where everything scientific and mathematic comes from. Except so called Ancient Egyptian Artifacts and Sumerian/Akkadian artifacts show a clear knowledge of geometry and concepts like Pi, Phi, and golden triangles.
How does this relate to this channel? The people it gets its name from whether real or borrowed represent an unbroken line of knowledge from very ancient times. Along the way you find different names and even competing groups like Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians, and others we may not even know about that while Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton were trying to figure out the motions of the planets already knew what was going on. I encourage anyone to look up the Antikythera machine. An analog computer made of wheels and gears that when operated would show you the position of planets and alignments into the future. This "computer" is 2000 years old. Of course it would be simple enough to rebuild the thing, run it, and some hired science hitman to poo poo its accuracy, which is a lot how modern corporate/government owned science works, and the people who say "Uh hey wait. If they had this 2,000 years ago then what's with all that Columbus, Copernicus, Magellan, Newton, Kepler shit". Well its exactly that. Shit.
What that hired hitman doesn't bring to the discussion is that if mankind had this level of technology and knowledge 2000 years ago then why has mankind spent the last 500 years relearning everything. And what you will discover is that the rise of global powers coincided with the rise in global ignorance.
I once thought to myself in my mid to late twenties that everything important had been done. The only thing left was for people to specialize because every major idea had been thought of. Man "had a good bead on things" to quote Agent K from MIB. Recently however we find out that hmmmm it turns out that DNA has switches that turn off and on and that life experience is actually passed genetically across generations. This is called Epigenetics.We now know of ancient batteries found in what is now Baghdad. We have found the Pythagorean Theorem on objects a thousand years older than Pythagoras. There have been found, and reported nearly a hundred years ago, a collection of giant skeletons found in North America. Now those skeletons are missing. We have the new fleet of telescopes around Earth finding that a good portion of Astrophysic Theories are wrong. The size of stars, the age of stars, the composition of stars, the formation of gas giants close to their parent stars, etc.
Imagine what you still aren't being told. Do we have alien technology? I doubt it but then why are we being led to believe that we do? Is it UFO nuts doing the leading or is it both the nuts and the powers that be who are obviously in the disinformation and dissemination of ignorance business now as they have always been? What benefits are gained by an ignorant population? Well perhaps the dumber you are the easier it is to tell you that you need to borrow your own money and since you probably aren't a math wiz don't realize that if you have to borrow your own money and pay interest on that money and you have to borrow the money to do that then you are never out of debt. That's the Federal Reserve. Why does a giant bank or brokerage get to write off billions in bad gambling debts but a student is hounded until they die for a few thousand dollars? Why are Christians allowed to interfere with the teaching of science in schools?
The root of all conspiracy and conspiracies is CONTROL. If you are ignorant you are much easier to control. It's easier to steal the diamonds and gold in some remote part of Africa if the locals are starving, diseased, and under the threat of death from "rebels". It is easier to strip someone of their rights if they don't have a gun. And if they have a gun it is easier to strip them of their rights if you either invent a terrorist event or allow a "natural one" to happen. It is easier to keep a person a slave if you make them want things they can only have if they work for you and if the money they are paid is imaginary anyway and you own that too then its as if you aren't paying them at all. And when the bill for all this comes due you throw the debt on to them as well. And you hand over the ownership of all resources to a few and make it either fiscally impossible for a person to provide for themselves through laws and rules created by bought and paid for politicians or you just send a guy to cut their brake line, hack their cars computer, give them a dose of radioactive metal poisoning, or a thousand other ways you take care of trouble makers.
That's the world you currently live in. Every bit a manufactured lie as THE MATRIX just not nearly as flashy and cool. Oh and you don't get to fly.
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