Sunday, December 16, 2012

The End of 2012

Edward Owens
I don't necessarily believe that anything is going to happen in the next 5 days.  December 21st is most likely just another Winter Solstice.  If this turns out to be the case I am sure the Mayan Calendar folk will dial it back to what most scholars say about the day. It is just the beginning of a "new age". The idea that the world would end was of course hype.

As I type this I am listening to When Aliens Attack in a different tab on Youtube. In fact that is the reason I am making this post. I am listening to this mix of fiction interspersed with clips of real video and real interviews.

The assumptions we make, even that their math would be anything like what we have, is the height of arrogance from a race that has barely learned to walk and chew gum. Why would a species have to count things to understand them? It is our assumption that our path to sentience and our understanding of the physics of the universe is a "natural" path that all intelligent beings would follow.

I didn't intend to post anything prior to next year preferring to work instead on improving what I had already posted with fresh information and a better layout.  Given the holidays I have been busy doing other things and haven't really gotten around to even that.

I just wanted to post my thoughts on 2012 prior to 2012. Kind of as a "vote" if you will that I can go back to as a "marker".  I am not saying that "the ancients" didn't perhaps know something that we don't. The evidence in fact is all around us that at one time mankind was on a path that should have lead to much greater things by now. But something got in the way. Religion, natural disaster, aliens, who knows? The ancients were supposedly not as sophisticated as us yet our own math that we recognize as a sign of intelligence is encoded in everything they do but even more interesting is that while we have a fairly high level of sophistication and technology we barely have structures that have lasted a few hundred years intact.  With the exception of the casing stones on the Giza Pyramid it has survived mostly intact for thousands of  years. They apparently had a different understanding of what constituted sophistication and engineering achievement.

To make this short I don't think we have anything to worry about from December 21st or aliens.  I think the thing we have to worry about the most is from our own kind.

And that is most likely my last opinion until 2013.

Good luck.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I haven't been working with the Pyramid Math for awhile.  I have overstuffed my brain with all the numbers and it is beginning to become a blur.  When I throw myself into a problem I tend to have a million different ideas and I attack it from multiple angles until I exhaust all the "easy stuff". I am still surprised that I found the much heralded number 432 in the base measurements of the great pyramid and that with not much effort the MesoCubit or 7/4ths Cubit works out well in at least the two largest Pyramids.  I have found all kinds of relationships but don't feel it necessary to show those at this time.  One interesting factoid I found however has nothing to do with the Pyramids but rather another interesting number that popped up while I was exploring the Precession of the Equinoxes phenomenon.  It turns out that a fairly common "legend" that has come down through time also explains the Precession Data without having to have a very very very slow moving axial tilt.  This legend is that our sun has a companion and the two orbit each other. This is not a surprising idea since science has shown that single star systems are actually unusual. Binary star systems seem to be more normal.

It would not surprise me to find out in a few years, if it hasn't been hypothesized already, that stars are actually created easier by this method. Perhaps a solar body begins and builds a little gravity warp in space and then as gases rush in a natural "falling past" occurs and the system "to be" naturally begins to rotate. This may be the original impetus for a solar systems spin.  I will be keeping my eye out for that. Possibly the reverse is true and two stars moving in close to each other and then moving away in elongated elliptical orbits tearing the heavier elements from each other and setting them spinning in the void around each other.  Especially if star formation after a super nova event, which creates the heavier elements leaves rocky metallic cores laying about to attract the gases. This would explain gas giants and planets like ours with water. Many intriguing scenarios to contemplate.

I will finish this recap with just an interesting number I came up with while looking at the binary star system theory. In a nutshell here is how the numbers are going so far.  I took the time for Precession which may actually be the orbital period between Sol and its dark companion. Possibly a brown dwarf or black hole or something else. 25,920 years or so.  There is a discrepancy in the number for Precession. Some place it at just 24,000 years or so which actually boosts the binary theory because if at one time the Precession seemed to be slower and now after a few thousand years appears to be proceeding faster then the idea of an orbit is more likely. It is less likely the Earth's supposed wobble is speeding up than it is that as our sun and its companion are closing in on each other in their elliptical orbits that both our sun and the companion will begin to move faster like all objects in elliptical orbits do as they approach each other close.

So we take the original 25,920 years. The apparent speed of our sun which is 486,000 mph and we do a straight calculation.  If this speed is an average then the orbit if it were a perfect circle would be 110,423,935,272,960 miles in circumference. A light year is roughly 6,000,000,000,000 miles.  Divide the two and we get 18.4 light years. Divide by Pi to get a diameter and you have 5.85 years. This means that if our orbit is an ellipse and most likely it is, if it exists, then the "companion" could be as close or as far away as nearly 6 light years. Longer during the elongated period of the orbit and closer at the shorter faster point of the orbit. If the time for Precession used to actually be 25,920 and is now in the 24,000s then we are speeding up and hence are moving toward and not away from the companion.

A star, actually a couple or three stars, that fall within that range is The Alpha Centauri System 4 light years away.  Since we have only known the approximate distance of Alpha Centauri for less than 200 years and even though relatively close, its apparent distance wouldn't have changed much in two hundred years using parallax measurements and red shift and blue shift methods may not work since the stars in the system are moving around each other and could appear to be moving relatively in our direction or relatively away from our direction depending upon their orbital stage in comparison to each other.

I am not an astrophysicist so I don't know if all that is true. I suppose one way to determine the validity of this idea would be if their is a discrepancy in the shifts of the stars as one is moving away or towards us and if their shifts are not what one would expect.  That too remains to be seen.

Or the companion could be a brown dwarf we cannot see and is light years away still and we cannot detect it by sight or heat. Or it could be a black hole.

Anyway while doing some of the number work on this I came across the following interesting number. The approximation of a light year is 6,000,000,000,000 and the approximate speed of the motion of the sun is 486,000 mph. Divided sun speed into light year and you get 12345679.012345679_  Given my penchant to build mysteries it would have been perfect if the entire line of digits was represented. Still interesting though.  If you play with the decimals just a little and bring 486,000 out to just 486,000.004374  you can get the full number line of digits.  This of course can be accomplished also with decimals such as removing all the zeros which would bring the numbers "down to earth".  6 / .0123456789  = 486.0000044.  More interesting still is if you drop the 4 in the 10,000,000th place and divide 6 by 486.000004 you get .012345678910.  I think if I found the first 7 digits in a line somewhere in a pyramid I would be satisfied that another message is being sent. The digits 0 - 9 would be awesome.

In the paradigm of MesoCubits and most things measured in feet we can extrapolate these into feet by multiplying by 7/4ths. This turns MesoCubits back into feet.  So we would be looking for something like 10.5 / 850.000007.  We would most likely never find this level of precision if only because we could not get a 7 in the 1,000,000ths place without dealing with really large numbers. The reason that is so is that if you were trying to send a message through time made of stone and you know that stone wears over time then any measurement in the future would have to allow for a certain amount of material loss. If you tried to use numbers as small as 6 and 486.000004 or their Meso counterpart the smallest loss of material would throw off the 1,000,000ths spot. However if you made the measurement large to begin with where say an inch lost in a few thousand feet would still leave you in the 1,000,000ths range inside a ratio.  You would have to get the .000004 or .000007 part into parts of say an inch or more.  That alone would require a measurement that pushes .000004 times 1,000,000 to give you 4 inches which would make your larger part of the number 486,000 times 1,000,000. Confusing?  Yes. Just take my word for it. To try to get that kind of precision using decimals or parts in 1 million in stone and have it last for a long time isn't happening. So we won't find it there.

Smaller numbers producing the same result, if you wanted to show such a result, would be necessary. In other words a ratio of whole numbers or a formula of whole numbers that reveals the number sequence is more likely. And perhaps more elegant. Still yet if the builders used the sexigesimal system as suggested by the MesoCubit theory then me and you are both S.O.L. because even though I understand the system I don't really really understand the system.  About the extent of my knowledge is that a 432 MesoCubit base length for the Giza Pyramid is 25920 / 60. And all four sides would be 25920 / 15.

You could be clever and use a number that means something to a mathematician such as 362,880 which is the numbers 1 thru 9 in a series times each other 1 x 2 x 3 x 4...9. Which incidentally when divided by Precession = 14 which of course means I will go back and plug that into the Pyramid Calculator.  I haven't done that yet. If it produces anything I will let you know. And this is where you get to that fuzzy area I call consequences of math. If I can divide the large number by Precession (25920) then obviously I can plug in most of the other numbers such as 432 because I can plug 432 into Precession.  These paths aren't very constructive because they would appear without the intent of the message maker anyway. Such as an approximation of Phi always appearing in Pi Pyramids. To represent the number 362,880 and thus the digits 1 - 9 by extrapolation it would be as simple as 432 x 840. I haven't found 840 yet if it is even present. Carl Sagan said something about the number 840 in Cosmos. Don't remember what that was at this moment. Something about Vikings.

Also interestingly enough the reason for the number of layers of the pyramid, 210, may be what we are looking for.  The base perimeter using MesoCubits is 432 x 4 which is 1728.  1728 x 210 = 362,880. Tada!

What do you think of those apples? It is beginning to look more and more like the Pyramid is a testament to the mathematical ability of the builders and nothing more.

If the number of layers had been 200 we could easily make the case for seconds in a day according to the semi-modern definition of a second. 200 x 432 = number of seconds in a day. But that is our second and probably not a pyramid second. Note however the presence of the number 432 just in our everyday life. 200 x 432 = seconds in a day.  432 x 60 = Precession. And a pile of other things I haven't gone through yet. There are literally thousands if not 100s of thousands of documents to search for the number 432. Even Carl Sagan, in his book The Cosmos, lingers on the number and it's permutations for a page or two.  But I digress.

I have decided to convert constants that have time and length in their forms into MesoCubit measurements. Above I mentioned that if the layers of the Giza Pyramid numbered 200 I could make a case for seconds in a day.  However the MesoSecond is probably not the same as our concept of the second. Currently the second is tied to the number of ticks of a Cesium clock but that is after the second had already been determined by the length of a pendulum and convention over time. A pendulum of 994mm has a 2 second periodicity where each 1/2 swing is one second.

Using the formula for a pendulum's periodicity we can determine a time interval based on a 533.4 mm pendulum length.  Time = Tau (2 x Pi)  x Square Root of (533.4mm / 9800mm) per second squared. Note that 9800mm is 9.8 meters and the acceleration of gravity in most places is 9.8 meters per second squared. So when you do the calculation you have Tau times Square Root of 533.4/9800 and when you square root you convert the seconds squared into a standard second.  So 533.4 / 9800 = .054428571  you square root this and get roughly .233299 take that times Tau and get 1.46586.  (notice the sevenths 428571 in the 533.4/9800)  a number that keeps popping up?  9800 is 7 x 1400. or 200 x 7 Squared.  Is this the reason the use of ratios of 7 keep appearing in Egyptian and then Greek calculations?  Archimedes used 7ths when working out Pi.  Another question to build the mystery on.

So we determined that under normal Earth gravity the period of a pendulum of MesoCubit length is 1.46586 seconds. So the question then becomes what is the unit of measure. 1.46586 or half that such as for the pendulum of 994mm. I am guessing half 1.46586 but we will be able to find any numbers that "resemble" the 1.46586 just as we know a number based on Pi when we see it. Such as Tau which is 2 x Pi or 864 is 2 x 432.  So if we convert our measure of the speed of light which is in miles or kilometers, kilometers would be easier, then use our MesoSecond we can arrive at what a MesoSpeed of light would be.  The length in MesoCubits would be 562040603.674 that is the distance light travels in our version of the second in MesoCubits.  In MesoSeconds, going on the 1/2 period theory would mean we take the ratio of 1.46586/2 to get their standard unit of time which would be shorter than our second or .73293.  Multiply that times the same distance to get the distance light would travel in MesoCubits per MesoSeconds and we get 411936419  Mc/Ms. Which I notice is pretty close to the length of the edge of pyramid from corner to peak. The numbers are slightly off though.

Here is that calculation.  The edge using the measurements of 432 for base and 275 for height produce 411.019 for the edge.  As you can see we are off by 8 in the fourth digit. Decimals don't matter when you are sending a coded message remember? If I typed 31415926 without a decimal place you would still recognize it as being a representation of Pi.  So if we wanted to "jigger" our numbers and get 411019 in the pyramid edge what would have to change?  We can't mess with the base and height. The sides of this triangle are formed by the edge in question, the height, and half the hypotenuse of the base square. If we plug our light speed number of 411936 into the edge we would need a hypotenuse of 2 x 306.702. Our original hypotenuse would be 432 x Sqr2 because of the property of all squares having a hypotenuse of base x Sqr2. So that number is 305.470.  So there is a possibility of working that number in but how?

In terms of the height we could plug in 411.936 squared minus 305.470 squared and then square root the result to see how much we would have to change our height. Which means our height would have to be changed to 276.367. Let's see if that holds up on the Pi calculation of base/height. 432/276.367 = 3.1262.  Not good.  We could try changing the base length which would change the hypotenuse. We would need a hypotenuse of twice 306.702 or 613.404.  This would produce a side length of 433.742 and then our Pi calculation would be 433.742/275 = 3.1544. Not good.

Either way would throw off all the other calculations which have been very very useful so far. Besides the fact we don't even know if the MesoLightSpeed exists. The MesoSecond is possible with the use of a pendulum and the MesoCubit within reason so converting that to our Light Second isn't too far of a stretch but we will have to find confirmation elsewhere without changing our other measurements. Better to preserve several of the relationships there than to ruin them all or throw the perfection achieved so far out of whack.

I have more precise calculations to perform using more precise measurements of the constant for gravity as well as a search I am doing for the acceleration of gravity at Giza specifically.  This seems difficult to find.  I have the calculation for the period of a pendulum at Giza and I can work backward from that and then back up using my pendulum length but at the time of this writing it is nearly 1130 pm and about time to go to bed.  I wanted to get the 210 x 1728 number out there so I wrote this blog entry.  Again that number is the base in MesoCubit measurement of the perimeter times the number of layers which equals the number found by 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9.  Is this yet another display of the builder's knowledge of math? That's for you to decide.

The next entry will most likely be about the number 432 and the forms it appears in down through time.  Even Carl Sagan discussed the uncanny nature of this number in Cosmos. Interesting huh?

Pardon any misspells. I am not going to bother to proofread this until next time I log on. If you find anything interesting that stands out let me know by leaving a comment.

Thank you.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

 Precession Math Found At Giza

I have been giving this Giza Complex thing some thought.  I tried to put myself into the shoes of the builders of the pyramid complex at Giza. I am going to admit up front, I haven't spent a lot of time studying this and have only read one book completely on the subject my entire life. I took Ancient Egyptology in college but I don't remember the class much. If you pardon the joke it was rather dry like the Egyptian desert. My professor was elderly and didn't seem much interested in doing much more than teaching the text.  We never heard anything about the mathematics of the pyramids.

The numbers I am using, such as the 756 feet for the Cheops/Khufu pyramid is a pretty well accepted number. I found that number online and in most the books I have found on the subject.  481 to 481.4 is the range I have found on the height.  I see no reason I can't use 481.25. It is well within the range. Not that it matters much. If the builders intended to show Pi the difference between using 481 or 481.25 or 481.4 is minimal. It doesn't change the precision of the Pi number derived by much but it does allow the builders to use whole numbers in their construction. Something I find likely. And if this is indeed an attempt to demonstrate a knowledge of Pi then of the 3 choices 481.25 gives an accuracy to the 4th decimal place of 2/10,000ths.

I am sticking with the possibility that the cubit used is the  Mesopotamian Cubit but I also found that in a list on the internet.  Usually these cubits are found by measuring an ancient structure where the builders used glyphs to give the measurements. A modern measurement divided by the glyph numbers provides a conversion for the cubit being used. Cubit has become a generic term used for anything not measured in meters or feet. The assumption being that all ancient builders were imprecise and worked at the whims of the ruler.

This is the problem with archaeology up to a few years ago until the arrival of thinkers like Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch, and others who weren't satisfied with the bigoted and slanted grave robbers and coattail chasers who built the imperfect and not at all well reasoned foundations of pyramid archaeology. Men who thought dynamite was a tool and removing the gold and precious items along with the artifacts and corpses to their sponsoring countries was an acceptable practice. One lie was built upon another. One assumption built upon another assumption until the entire field is inscrutable.

It takes a special amount of racial bias to not see the fact that at the time the pyramids were discovered that the level of precision and craftsmanship involve in the pyramids was beyond their own engineers. The idea that "darkies" could have mathematics and skills far more advanced than the much over rated Greek society and the subsequent Anglo domination of the world must have been painful to say the least.

I don't necessarily believe the builders of the Giza Complex were sending a message of some future catastrophic event but they were sending a message whether intended or not.  The Khufu pyramid is the key. It appears to be the oldest but the most intact with the most accurate and "stable" measurements. The entire complex is obviously laid out to match the constellation Orion which in that time was known as Osiris. They are obviously aligned with geographic North. Not sort of but dead on.  It is speculation I admit that if you take the complex as a copy of Orion and match it to the night sky and you see that the angle doesn't match even though the layout matches.  But by using the phenomenon of precession, the wobble of the earths axis over a time span of 25,920 years you can make that map on the ground match the one in the sky but you have to run the precession clock back to 10,500BC.

I say dead on but that isn't exactly true and that may be a good thing. It is 3 minutes of a degree off of True North. I am probably not the first to think of this but let's say for a moment that it was originally dead on aligned with true north. If the difference now is a function of Continental Drift and we can find a good measurement for that drift we could date the actual building of the pyramid to at least an epoch or even to a century. In fact this could establish once and for all a good approximate date for the structure. If we find that it takes longer than 4500 years to move 3 minutes of a degree off true north then we have an even better argument for its age being greater than the current mainstream accepted age.

I dismiss the idea that the structures were meant as a tomb since the same people who had to break into an upper chamber to supposedly find a "quarry mark" also never found a body. Perhaps they didn't have one handy to stick in it. Ultimately it doesn't really matter. The math that is revealed in the layout and the tools that must have been used to achieve it contradicts pretty much everything else in Egyptian grave robbing, er....uh I mean archaeology. The mathematics is there and it doesn't matter who the latest face is for Giza research is. Math is math. It is a lot easier to fake a quarry mark than to haul in a corpse or change the building itself. In the words of Donald Rumsfeld,and one of my favorite expressions, "It is what it is".

There are examples of clay tablets from Sumer that date to at least 4500 years ago. Here is an image of one of those tablets. Unless you have some agenda it is obvious you are looking at a sun centered solar system with planets around it. Not only round but intentionally cut in spherical relief.  If you accept that, you also see that not all the representations of planets are the same size. And if you know the story behind the tablet you know that in Sumerian "mythology" the Sumerians believed that at one time there were more planets and that in fact the Earth was formed from the collision of two planets which formed the asteroid belt in the process which is exactly the modern theory of the formation of the Earth/Moon system and the asteroid belt.

What the exact story this tablet is meant to convey is anyone's guess but that doesn't really matter. You have as recently or as long ago, take your pick, as 4500 years a civilization that knew more than the sophisticated science and culture of most of the Western world up to the 1600s.

The ancestors of these people may be the builders of the pyramids.

These monuments to the society that built them are indeed a brag. A display of knowledge. A billboard that says "Hey look at what we accomplished".  They are meant to be deciphered   They are meant to be studied. But I have to admit, by my own logic, that if the builders meant to tell us something about some future event and weren't just showing off, then where are pictures that give us some clue as to "what is coming" if that is the intent of the structure?

Here is the logic.  They builders build the pyramid complex and use the constellation of Orion to give us a date. 10,500 BC. Are we then supposed to find a number that corresponds to a certain number of years from that date, and we are supposed to know that something is going to happen around that time? If this were true I would suspect the people who could carve granite with such fine detail could have given us a picture. A picture inside the pyramids with a pictogram of a comet hurtling toward earth. A set of lines and figures that clearly tell us something. Anything. Volcanoes going off. The sun going out. And so forth.  But as I said there isn't even a name in them other than what some guy wanting to prove his theory scrawled while no one was looking.

Whatever the purpose for building these structures it was not to communicate a story unless the builders were so wise as to know what kind of people might find their message. People who have their own beliefs and like Pharaohs were known to do in the later dynasties destroy the work and the name of those in the previous dynasty.  Perhaps they sat around and one guy said "If we are going to build this thing and something happens to our people and they cannot guard it or even remember what it is for let's not be like Pharaoh Bob and put so much BS on the walls they will feel compelled to chisel it off.  Let's put none. If we put none then there won't be anything to offend anyone and they will probably let it stand."  And then another one of the ancient wise men said "Yes I see but someone may come along and wish to claim it as theirs and put their names and their deeds on the walls. So we should build it in such a way that the entire thing has to be mostly destroyed to destroy its meaning. We put the message in the math."

So if these structures weren't meant to deify a pharaoh as they obviously were not then what was their purpose?

Their ultimate purpose I cannot guess.  Why does a culture spend decades building such magnificent feats of engineering? In a time when lifespans were short how do you keep the same people working on the same thing and with the same level of skill? What is so important that not only did the designers but the actual people who built it kept at it for so long?  What did they want us to know? Could it be as simple as cultural pride? Could it be the ancient equivalence of the American and Soviet space race? Could it be the same as the Arch in St. Louis or the Empire State Building in New York or the Washington Monument in DC?  Is it just a sign saying "Hey we are awesome. Look what we know?"  Is it that simple?

We may never know the answer to that but there are some questions we can answer just by looking at it.

One thing we know is that the ancient Egyptians or Mesopotamians or maybe even Atlantians or whoever they were were capable of moving massive loads up the height of a modern high rise apartment building without cranes. As I said before. The Great Pyramid alone has 2.5 million blocks weighing on average 2 tons each, some as heavy as 70 tons, into position with a great deal of skill and precision. That precision was matched by the people who cut the stones as well.  The designers and planners were of the highest caliber.  The math alone says that for this one single structure to be built in 20 years would take a stone being cut miles away, transported, and laid every few minutes. Seems pretty unlikely.

But let's put that aside for the moment. We know they were capable of such feats of engineering because the structures are there. The skills or the pride in the work seems to have waned after the largest one was built until we find ourselves at the smallest of the 3 with a much different building style and what would seem to be a much easier task.

I am tempted to go into a long discussion about the possibilities but I would be no better equipped to discern the true intent of the builders than those who have pretended before me. As I said I can't see it as a message of impending doom given the total absence of something like hieroglyphics to tell me what I am supposed to be watching out for. If the world is going to be in trouble I would expect at least one wall of "Watch Out For The Big Sky Rock" or something like that. I could even imagine that they were "purists" and the buildings were built for their gods. Maybe those gods were spiritual or aliens as some think. Maybe for the Pharaoh to put his name on it would be blasphemy or arrogance. That is possible. Without a lot more study I can't say.

But I can tell you what the math tells me. As I said at the beginning the numbers were found on the internet and when I give it some thought I don't see how even going to the library and finding several years and generations of books on the subject would help me since you can't trust anything written by tomb robbers. So what's a guy to do?  Just work with what you got until you find something better I suppose.

Below you will find my last run of a program I wrote to compare the three largest pyramids on the Giza Plateau. The categories are self explanatory.  I will admit up front I had to "find" a number for the Menkaure Pyramid that fit my theory of the Mesopotamian Cubit of 533.4 mm. But also the first two numbers are well accepted numbers for the bases of Khufu and Khafre. This 533.4 mm isn't as obscure as you might think. It actually turns out to be a ratio and in the world of math and counting natural things in general ratios are good solid numbers.  For instance it doesn't matter what language you speak when you are counting days of the year. There will still be 365 and roughly 1/4th which is why we have leap years. If you find a list of numbers and it has certain numbers in it and one of them is 365 1/4th then you know you are talking about days in a year. If you find 29 or there abouts then you are looking at days for the moon to make a complete orbit around the earth.

The 533.4 mm is also 21 inches and when you are measuring the base of the Great Pyramid in feet and you give it some thought then 21 inches is 1.75 feet exactly. Or you could put it another way. 7/4ths of a foot. However the meter is based on natural measurements and if you believe the builders of the pyramids to have been more advanced than we have been led to believe the idea that they would stumble across the exact same definition for meter or that their ratios would come out similar then it is not that farfetched. The meter was originally defined as 1/10,000,000 of 1/4th the distance around the Earth from equator to North Pole. A quadrant. Other suggestions such as the length of a pendulum that swung with a periodicity of 2 seconds was also discussed but since gravity is slightly different depending upon where you stand on earth the former was chosen. The current meter turns out to be off by .2 mm or 1/5th of a millimeter from the calculated distance which frankly isn't bad given the Earth is 40,000 km in circumference.  So let's break that down.  1/4th = 10,000km.  Can't use that to make a measuring stick so you have to go smaller.  Lets reduce it to 1 km. That is another 1/10,000.  But 1 km is still pretty big. Let's go down another 1/1,000th.  That gives you something about 39 inches long.  Which is a fairly handy measurement.  That's 1,000 x 10,000 or 10,000,000.

10 millionths is a pretty good number to use. If you wanted to build monuments that showed your knowledge of things and you actually knew the same thing back then that we knew in the 1800s which is when the meter was defined you would, if you think about it, have to go all the way to 10 millions of a 1/4th of the Earth to get a useful measuring stick. Not too short not too long. If you stopped at 9 millionths you are left with a measuring stick of 1.11 meters which isn't too bad but why not just keep the numbers easy. Counting by 10s is easy. Incidentally if you divide the 40,000km just by 9,000,000 you get 4.44444444.......A mistake I made while originally doing the calculation. If you have read my other posts you would know why that is funny. Also in case you are wondering the length of a pendulum with a period of 2 seconds for the swing in both directions is .994 meters or 994mm. And to to show you how these ideas build on each other this is how the time interval in grandfather clocks was determined by Clements based on Huygen's who suggested the length as the meter. The second of which has a probe named after him. But the 1/10,000,000th of 1/4th became the standard and now that standard is measured both by a metal bar and a certain wavelength of a gas. A spectral line actually from Krypton gas atomic number 36. That standard is red cadmium spectral line (1 m = 1,553,164.13 wavelengths).

It is not unimaginable that these people had this knowledge or at least it won't be after I finish.  Not of Krypton gas, that is pretty much arbitrary, but of the distance from the equator to the pole. This measurement of 533.4 doesn't have to be handed down from Mesopotamia either. It could be a coincidence I stumbled onto by chance. If you play with mathematics and ratios long enough you find that sometimes you run off on a wild goose chase because you see a familiar number and then it turns out that it was there naturally. Take for instance finding a very close approximation of the Golden Ratio in the areas of the pyramid. You can see that in the data I have presented in previous blogs and later in this entry.  Knowing that it is easy to be fooled I ran some more numbers. Remember we are dealing with a pyramid based on an approximation of Pi. An approximation so close that it is off by only 2 - 5 parts in 10,000. Which is pretty good.  So I made up some false data and ran it through my program. I created theoretical Pi Pyramids with the same amount of precision and since the program figures out all the other numbers it shows that the Golden Ratio will appear in any Pi Pyramid.

But I also noticed something else. The builders were trying to show a bunch of things at one time. It is hard to stuff lot's of relationships into a single structure. You have to pick what you think is most important and go with that. What numbers are you trying to show? How can you get the most bang for the buck?  Is is sheer coincidence that you get the Golden Ratio in a Pi Pyramid? Possibly. But one of the ways to derive the Golden Ratio is to use square numbers and draw a figure such as the one below.

I haven't gone deep enough into that part of the math to see why a Pi Pyramid produces in 3 dimensions what this produces in 2 but I intend to. The point is that it is a geometric construct using more or less simple numbers. It is not that big of a surprise that it produces something similar. And it may be the builders way of pointing us from circles and squares and special numbers in 2 dimensions into higher dimensions. Which I can imagine 3 but what if the pyramid demonstrates the transition from 3 to 4 to 5 or more?  And did the builders believe time was one of those dimensions. Which incidentally I do not. I don't believe time is actually changeable. Only the perception of time. But that's another story.

Sometimes when you are working out the mathematics of something you wind up having to work backwards. Let's say you wanted to represent a number such as the distance around the Earth in a Pi Pyramid using modern measurement standards. You have to find somewhere in the dimensions to put the number 40,075. Since you are constructing a Pi Pyramid to show off Pi or perhaps it is a Golden Ratio Pyramid and you get one or the other just by "luck" so it's a twofer either way you go.  You could even work it out so that you get the best "happy" medium between the two. You can play with the numbers so that your base and height produce two numbers, Pi and GR, so that both have the best possible precision in say the 3rd decimal place.  In some cases you may not be able to show anything better or you might have the latitude to do something really cool like be off by exactly the same in both. I am not saying that is the case here but the possibilities exist. So you want to express 40,075 in your Pi Pyramid so you start with what you know. Divide 40,075 by Pi/2 which is roughly 25,512.53  Now you decide how you want to put that into the math of the pyramid so just to make it easy we put it into the area of the base so you just square root 25,512.53 and you come up with 159.725. This is just an example of how to build a number into something. Using Pi to find your length to square root gives you the Pi ratio, the Golden Ratio, and your message which is 40,075 which will be the area of the base. If a side is 159.725 squared you will get 40,075 back out.

Here is the problem though. You can't be sure the person doing the measuring will be measuring things the way you do.  Your 159.725 is in your unit of measure so how do you make sure they come up with the same thing?  You could leave a yard stick etched in the wall. But as far as I know they didn't.

I could drone on for some time. I have been playing the "Building A Mystery" game for awhile now. That's how I went from Space Alien believer back to skeptic. It's like the Bible. You read it enough times and you start to see the flaws. That is how I have come to the positions I have on certain things. If you want to build a mystery you give the answers so your "believer" will follow them. This is "pointing". But apparently the builders weren't interested in pointing anyone in any specific direction or probably it would be more correct to say they had the presence of mind to make sure that you had to figure out the whole thing to get any of it. It is like I was saying before.  You see the number 365.242 and you know you are talking about days. You see the number 1.61803 or there abouts and you know you are talking about Golden Ratio. You see the number 3.141 and you know you are talking about Pi and circles.

How do you build your structure to convey your point and make sure someone a couple thousand years later can get it?  The Pi relationship is easy. No matter how you measure, feet, meters, cubits, whatever it will pop up. And since it is a Pi Pyramid the Golden Ratio will pop up. Those two are easy. Now you have to play with the numbers to fit the rest of your message in.  There are even better numbers you could use for Pi and give the searcher 5 decimals of Pi and send a stronger message "Hey We Know Pi". But Pi isn't the big big message. So if Pi isn't your big message then you must be willing to give up something. In the above example if I wanted to put 40,075 in the message I would have adjust the height to match the base to keep my numbers. But if my message is bigger than Pi, Phi, and the 40,075 then I am going to have to give it a lot of thought how to jam everything into a structure that one conveys my message and two can actually be built.  It looks like the builders went to a lot of trouble to get the dimensions they got. That's why even after I show you what else I have found I know it has to go deeper because you can get these numbers easier than building something 481 feet tall.

And here is why I think the Giza Complex is constructed to show a specific set of numbers and why I probably just got lucky that the meter is a naturally produced length of measurement. I got lucky that the Mesopotamian Cubit I read online was 533.4 mm. It turns out that this is a ratio. 533.4 is 21 inches which is 1.75 feet or 7/4ths. I think the true number is the 7/4ths. The fact that when you convert 533.4 using the approximations for millimeters into inches is either just luck or because it is naturally based I don't know but here is that math.  533.4mm/25.4mm = 21.     21/12 = 1.75.      1.75 = 7/4.   I don't know what this means in the context of the pyramid yet but I will tell you what this serendipity has produced.

Here is a methodology note.  I like to convert to millimeters because it is such a small unit of measure. If I don't know the exact length of something if I reduce the increments to a very small known length of measure then however far off I am isn't going to be as far off as if I  used inches or feet. I say that just to explain why I use millimeters.

If you read my last post you know I converted the 756 feet of the Great Pyramid Base to the MesoCubit.  I can skip the millimeter conversion and just divide 756 by 1.75 which is 432.   I do the same thing to the height. I will admit here that I chose 481.25 which falls between the two heights I have found of 481 and 481.4 and even a 481.28.  I chose it for a reason because when I use it my Pi ratio gets better and I get an even number of 275.  So I end up with 432 for the base and 275 exactly for the height.  We can assume that the builders would have done the same thing. Using even numbers. For the moment this is the only way I can see getting two exactly even sets of numbers for the two largest pyramid bases.  Here is a kicker. When you find a widely accepted 717.5 foot base for the Khafre Pyramid you find this converts to exactly 410 but the Khafre Pyramid is either not meant to be a Pi Pyramid or the building and designing got sloppy by that time.  A number I have seen more often is 706 feet for Khafre. I am exploring that as well because you get even fractions with it and a fraction that keeps showing up.  Fractions dealing with 7ths. If the base of the Khafre Pyramid is indeed 706, which to be honest comes up more times than I have found 717.5, then what you get is 403 and 3/7ths exactly when you convert to MesoCubits.

This is kind of odd since Archimedes' famous rendition of Pi was achieved using geometry and fractions (not decimals)  and the fraction he used was 7ths. Starting with the Hexagon and making polygons with more sides to increase the perimeter of his polygon to get them into the arc of a circle he wound up coming to a very good approximation of Pi. Between 3 1/7th and 3 10/71ths. Or between 3.1428 and 3.1408.

I have a suspicion the builders may have done something similar so I will be researching that aspect of it as well.  In several runs of my program and using some of the height and base measurements, I have found online, the decimal portion of the numbers, in mesocubits, are portions of 7ths.  I will blog this later though.  I am going to stop posting these intermediate findings until I find something of interest. When I come back with another Pyramid Post I want to have something really good for you. Feel free to take anything you find interesting and run with it. Like I said in earlier posts. If you find anything just give me some credit.

But I was able to find measurements that fit my needs. I am telling you this up front. I wanted to find these other numbers for the other two pyramids but my numbers for the Great Pyramid are well accepted numbers. The 756 for Cheops/Khufu is very very good.

If I carry this over to the Menkaure Pyramid the numbers I have found for its estimated base and height allow me to produce another even number of 203 for the base.  I am telling you this to make a point.  The numbers fit well within the parameters.

So what was I looking for?  Now remember I did not invent the Mesopotamian Cubit. I found it in a cubit list and I tried the entire list on the base number of the Cheops Pyramid. Also the Mesocubit is a good fraction when going from feet to meters and the meter is a naturally derived standard of measure.  The error over a quarter the circumference of the Earth being divided by an even 10 million and this being called a meter can be found by anyone who can measure the earth and the precision is 2/10s of a millimeter. Meaning that if ancient people could measure the earth and used a value of 10 millionths and this was a "method" of measuring then the fact that their numbers and the English and Metric numbers fit together is not that astonishing. It would be like 3 people having the same length of street to divide into easy to use measuring units. Not too long not too short. If the people are smart enough to use easy to remember numbers like 100ths or 1000ths they are going to come up with the same thing or similar units.

And now for the BIG FINISH. If I displayed to you in even numbers the number 25,920 and you now being an expert on this area of astronomy you can tell me Hey!  That's precession! These people knew about precession.  Now look at the clever way they did it and also the hard way they did it and why I think there is more to look at.

Short lesson on Precession.  The Earth wobbles on its axis. The earth still spins around the same invisible point but if it had a big stick poking out the top the end of that stick would mark out a complete circle over a time period of 25,920. That's 1 degree of motion over 72 years.  360 x 72 = 25,920.

Astronomers and astrologers know the numbers of precession well. A scholar of ancient texts that also knows astronomy knows instantly when they are looking at a culture that if they see these numbers they are looking at a culture that had three things. A long history of watching and charting the movement of the sky, a sophisticate knowledge of mathematics, and a knowledge of the true shape and movement of the planet they were standing on.

So what did I find?

So here we go. Out of curiosity I used the equation for the volume of a pyramid. I had exhausted the 2 dimensional space and was looking for a reason to write more into my program.  The equation for the volume of a pyramid is the same as that for a cone.  Area of base times height times 1/3rd.  When you work that calculation with the feet converted to MesoCubits, which I may start calling, LuckoCubits, you get the number, 17,107,200.  I didn't see anything interesting in that number but knowing that I am looking for "hidden messages" I just randomly divided some numbers I  know into it.  The base perimeter is 1728 or 12 cubed so I put that in.  Answer was 9900. Volume/base perimeter equals 9900. An even number. I don't know if it means anything. It could be a "round robin" number. Something that would be produced just by the mathematics.  I will let you know.  So I eventually got to 25,920 and the number 660 popped up.  So the number for precession is inside the volume equation! The volume is 660 times Precession!

So Precession is in the numbers!  This one single object holds Pi, Golden Ratio, and Precession.

So before I post the data let me recap and tell you where I am going from here. I am going to explore the numbers produced by the precession numbers. 660 and 9900 and so on.  I am going to explore the use of fractions such as the Mesocubit being just 7/4ths and the 7ths that keep popping up in my calculations. Khafre's tomb at 706 feet being 304 3/7ths.  I am considering posting some of the programs I have written and letting other people take a crack at some of their favorite numbers. One reason for the different measurements on the outside is due to people taking the limestone casings for their own use and defacement and weathering but the measurements on the inside are better preserved.  There is a lot more math inside there to look at. If my so called Mesocubit exists I should find it represented in there. So I will need good data for the inner passages and chambers.

I am going to pull back and look this over more carefully. Probably use some trig and figure out based on the inclination and the base lengths what the true measurements should be and see if they fit with the books and the online findings.

I am going to follow the Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval research and start with a date of 10,500 BC and see if it is the case that the numbers point to years then are they pointing to any  year that would be of importance to us. 10,500BC is where the Orion/Osiris model on the ground points us. If I do find a year calculation this is the point where the builders are saying the clock starts. Maybe they are pointing, like the Mayans, to where the clock stops. Actually the Mayan calendar doesn't stop it just says a new age starts. Again that is another story.

Finding the Continental drift rate and putting this together with the 3 minutes of a degree of error in the North/South Alignment may give us the time it was built. Not the time it points to but when the builders built it. Like setting a watch to a certain time then breaking it.

The only hope for an image of what might be coming, if that is what this is supposed to be pointing us to, is that hidden somewhere in the pyramid and in the math are the directions to a room or some scrolls with pictures and writing on them describing the event. Otherwise the best we can hope for from the math alone is a year date and that with the numbers of precession showing up that perhaps we need to be looking at the sky. That's about the best we can do.

Here is that data. I have made several runs of this changing the numbers. I will just post a page of those too, here in a few days but anymore extensive work on this subject will be awhile in coming. Take note of the base area divided by precession on the Khufu pyramid.  7.2, this corresponds to 1/10th of a degree during precession.  Something to follow perhaps.

Khufu base 756 feet
Khufu height 481.25 feet
Khafre base 717.5 feet
Khafre height 478.3 feet
Menkaure base 355.25 feet
Menkaure height 216 feet

Base                 432.00000     Base                410.00000       Base                203.00000
Height              275.00000     Height             273.31429       Height             123.42857
Perimeter         1728.00000    Perimeter        1640.00000     Perimeter        812.00000
Hypotenuse     610.94026     Hypotenuse     579.82756       Hypotenuse    287.08535
Corner             411.01946      Corner             398.43531       Corner            189.31221
Face Height    349.68700       Face Height    341.65143        Face Height   159.80257
Face Area       302129.57051 Face Area       280154.17159  Face Area       64879.84452
Base Area       186624.00000 Base Area       168100.00000  Base Area      41209.00000
Total Area      488753.57051 Total Area      448254.17159  Total Area      106088.84452

Ratio Face/Total    0.618163 Ratio Face/Total    0.624990  Ratio Face/Total    0.611561
Ratio Base/Total    0.381837 Ratio Base/Total    0.375010  Ratio Base/Total    0.388439
Ratio Total/Face    1.617695 Ratio Total/Face    1.600027  Ratio Total/Face    1.635159
Ratio Total/Base    2.618921 Ratio Total/Base    2.666592  Ratio Total/Base    2.574410
Ratio Base/Face     0.617695 Ratio Base/Face     0.600027  Ratio Base/Face     0.635159
Ratio Face/Base     1.618921 Ratio Face/Base     1.666592  Ratio Face/Base     1.574410
Total Length Lines 3372.0779 Total Length Lines 3233.7413  Total Length Lines 1569.2488

Volume equals   17107200.000  Volume equals   15314710.476   Volume equals    1695456.000
Volume/Precession 660.000000 Volume/Precession 590.845312  Volume/Precession  65.411111

Base/Height x 2     3.141818 Base/Height x 2     3.000209  Base/Height x 2     3.289352
Pyramid Pi - Pi     0.000226 Pyramid Pi - Pi    -0.141384  Pyramid Pi - Pi     0.147759

hypotenuse/height    2.22160 hypotenuse/height  2.12147   hypotenuse/height     2.32592
Height/hypotenuse   0.45013 Height/hypotenuse 0.47137   Height/hypotenuse    0.42994
Height/corner           0.66907 Height/corner         0.68597   Height/corner            0.65198
corner/Height           1.49462 corner/Height         1.45779   corner/Height            1.53378

volume/660        25920.0000  volume/660        23204.1068  volume/660           2568.8727
base/660             282.7636      base/660             254.6970      base/660                62.4379
corner/660          0.6228          corner/660          0.6037          corner/660             0.2868
hypotenuse/660  0.9257          hypotenuse/660  0.8785          hypotenuse/660     0.4350
perimeter/660     2.6182          perimeter/660     2.4848          perimeter/660        1.2303

basearea/precession   7.2000 basearea/precession   6.4853  basearea/precession   1.5899
facearea/precession  11.6562 facearea/precession  10.8084  facearea/precession   2.5031
totalarea/precession 18.8562 totalarea/precession 17.2938  totalarea/precession  4.0929

*note that we pulled the 660 out of the volume by dividing volume by Precession. When we divide the perimeter by that 660 we get Phi squared again which is the same as the ratio of the base area divided into the total area.  This is probably that "round robin" phenomenon but I will look closer.


Saturday, September 29, 2012


I have been putting 2012 in the title of my blogs just as a joke since most people are constantly searching the term. Although I would have to wonder why it would be something new to anyone at this point that they would have to search for it.

This post actually is about 2012 though.

There are many different takes on what is supposed to happen on December 21, 2012 but the one that seems to be garnering the most attention because it is loosely based in science is the "Dark Rift" idea. In a nutshell this idea says that we are already passing through the accretion disk of the galaxy. At 11:11 or 11:12 on 12/21/12. There is some grumblings out there in the conspiracy-sphere that the time of the event has been changed on official scientific websites for one reason or another. For a long time the time given was 11:11 and then it was changed to 11:12. Why this is the case, if indeed it is the case, I don't know. I personally believe that someone is screwing with the conspiracy theorists which sounds like a conspiracy theory in itself but ever since the UFO phenomenon caught on after Roswell, the government has been using it and other urban legend events as just another weapon in their arsenal of psychological manipulation. Even hoaxing sightings themselves.

Take for instance the cattle mutilation phenomenon which is indeed a real event. One of the best theories that brings the cattle mutilation phenomenon back to earth is the fact that a majority of them occur in the west in states where nuclear weapons testing was done and in nearby areas.  According to this theory a good portion of cattle mutilations can be mapped and then laid over a map of nuclear weapons testing by the US government and you will find a strong correlation. I have never done this personally but it does sound more plausible than aliens. That does not mean I don't believe in aliens. In fact I don't think you can believe in evolution and not believe in just the possibility but rather the likelihood that aliens exist. Whether or not they are visiting us is a totally different story. To put it in a nutshell there is far more evidence for alien visitation than there is for the existence of god and about 4 billion people more or less believe in a god so believing in aliens is not only not farfetched it may turn out they are one and the same.

I encourage anyone to follow any "curiosity thread" I lay down. That is what I call these things. Cattle mutilations + nuclear tests. Lots of work can be done there.  I follow these from time to time such as the 2012 theories and crop circles and of course the pyramids.  Most people wouldn't make the leap in logic to compare and contrast nuclear testing with cattle mutilations. I hadn't thought of it until I heard it. The "twisting" of the yarn as I like to call it in the mutilations/testing thread is that the reason behind it is that cattle eat ground cover. If there was still radiation left over from the atomic tests it would show up in grazing animals and be concentrated in the filtering organs of the body and the lips since the lips contact everything. In this theory the government steals the cattle and cuts out these organs using self cauterizing laser scalpels to remove the parts they need for testing then as part of their psychological manipulation techniques they drop them from a helicopter into trees or just from great heights just to further increase the "oddity factor". Then they just wait for the "UFO nuts" to do the rest. So you take theft of private property, in a secret program that obviously believes that the nuclear tests have left a radioactive legacy in these states, and you convert it into a story told by crackpots and skygazers. I wonder if anyone has thought to match those cattle mutilations that occurred outside the area of nuclear testing with the possibility that if the they are performing the same "theatrics" in other places they might be doing it for the same reason. Perhaps there are radioactive hot spots we don't even know about. Given our government and most governments on this planet the answer to that question is most likely yes. Maybe a cattle mutilation event occurs near a swamp in Georgia because there is a nuclear bomb, accidentally dropped from beneath the wing of a bomber, laying in the swamp somewhere. Which is a real story by the way.

The same methodology of diversion was employed when the government was tracking Russian space junk that crashed during the cold war. It would not surprise me at all that one of the "programs" run during this time was a "Men In Black" program. Not the real thing. If there is such a thing but rather just another psychological manipulation technique.  Here is the scenario.  You have a secret and probably radioactive Russian spy satellite coming down in Smalltown USA and the government arrives right away. They have tracked the de-orbiting craft on radar and have been waiting in the projected region where it may crash. They seal off the area setting up roadblocks and start turning people away. Anyone coming from a crash area is searched and later guys in black suits and hats may show up to ask questions.  It is a very clever idea. If you believed you were sitting face to face with super secret government agents or even aliens with the power to make you disappear, or whatever, the odds are most people would tell the truth. It may even become real if they believe you are lying or took a piece of the craft they were trying to recover. You might actually wind up with an arm full of sodium pentothal and a guy probing your hind end for good measure. Actually it is best if they do the anal probe schtick.  If they don't probe you, which would be for no reason other than to create a UFO abduction story scenario for you to tell, then chances are they are just going to serialize you, meaning kill you like a victim of any of the 50 or a 100 serial killers roaming our country at any given time and dump you on his or her playground. Another clever method.

But I digress.

The point being that given the power of the government and the assets and tools at it's disposal it would be difficult to know if you are being lied to in order to hide a secret or just screwed with just to keep you occupied and confused. It could be true that some people in government just have a sense of humor.  Type in the world illuminati backwards with .com at the end in the web address line of your browser and see where you end up. Then tell me government people don't have a sense of humor. A scary sense of humor.

I see no advantage to changing the time of the 2012 Winter Solstice event from 11:11 to 11:12 for any reason. What difference will one minute make if something starts to happen? Then again I hadn't thought of the idea of matching cattle mutilations with nuclear weapons testing. One minute might mean a lot. I suppose if the mother ship is leaving at 11:11 exactly then saying it is 11:12 might be their way of making sure the idiots who believe government websites don't make it into the group being saved to repopulate the planet after the aliens wipe it clean of humans.  Just a thought.

The main story of 2012 goes like this. We will pass through the ecliptic plane of the galaxy. As I said we already are and have been for the last few decades but the Mayan Calendar doesn't restart in 1990 or 2000 it supposedly restarts in 2012. It doesn't hurt the story that a lot of weird things are occurring around the world and in our solar system in the last year.

I could write forever on this particular topic and never scratch it's surface. I have decided instead to start a new feature of my blogs when I am discussing very complex and far reaching subjects.  A good portion of my research involves websites and youtube videos.  When I find something particularly interesting I usually spend a good deal of time looking for both supporting and debunking evidence. Although I will admit I spend far less time looking for a debunking site or video that I do for supporting videos. Oddly enough it would seem that this method would put the bulk of my research in the camp that is in support of a theory but in fact that isn't the way it works out at all. As often as not a competing theory about the same event or prediction acts as a debunk for the original or a sieve of sorts. Separating the wheat from the chaff as it were.

That feature is to end each blog with video or website links that I find the most informative on the subject.  I don't have any particular take on 2012. I am leaning toward it being a non event although I do see other events occurring that are linked to 2012 that should give us cause for concern on their own and I am afraid that in fact the rush to link everything with 2012 is possibly obscuring what could be real world reasons to keep a sharp eye out.  Economic collapse, the sun acting strange, the end of cheap oil, and others.  There are many potential "game changing" threats out there. Possibilities that could shove our species into one direction or another or end it completely.

My next two blogs will be about the potential for extinction of our species and more of the work I have been doing on the Pyramids of Giza.  In fact one of the video links I am going to post just below this paragraph may give us some clues to what the builders of the Great Pyramid were trying to warn us about. The event may have already happened!  Or it may have already happened and it could happen again.

This video has totally sent me in a different direction in my studies. If you have read my other blog posts then you know about my work on the Pyramid Math.  If it turns out that the Pyramids elude to the date 705 BC I am going to be ecstatic. Of course some links may die after I blog them. If they do I will endeavor to come back and refresh them

Just plain scary stuff.

  Real world scary stuff.

 At about 1 minute 22 seconds you will find out how the outside universe can affect our sun.  It's a short video and possibly the most important one of the whole bunch.  When you are watching that point in the video just imagine if when we pass through the ecliptic plane of the galaxy that the energy being pumped out by the super massive (3 million solar masses or more) black hole at the center of our galaxy is laying wait for a pathway into our solar system.

That's all I have for now. Enjoy the videos.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Greatest Mystery  - DNA - 2012 (just because people are searching 2012)

In a nutshell DNA is the building blocks of life. More like the blueprint actually. Elements such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and a few others are the building blocks.  DNA is the universe's answer to the concept of the Von Neumann Machine.  An idea used in science fiction of the 50s after being elucidated in the 40s by John Von Neumann a Hungarian-American mathematician who contributed significantly to the architecture  of computers before computers where the everyday machines they are today.

The idea that life as we know it is not unlike a machine is not a new idea.  Descartes was said to talk about life as a complex machine.

Bacteria are probably the most "perfect" living Von Neumanns.  If anything has achieved a level of perfection it is bacteria and their hitchhiking buddies the Viruses.

Regardless of what popularized science will tell you we know next to nothing about how DNA works. We have a very amateurish idea of what it looks like and its composition. Just in the last few days we have been told that contrary to popular theory the so called "junk" DNA is more important than we at first thought. Which came as no surprise to me and many others.  Nice to know science eventually catches up.

The image behind my blog title is taken from one of my programs.  It takes a data file from the Human Genome Project, filters out all the stuff I don't need, such as headers, credits, and other information  they add to it and produces a stream of letters that represent the base pairs in our DNA.  There are four bases for DNA and one is different when it is RNA.  RNA being more or less the "working" template for protein synthesis by your cells. Lot's of viruses are RNA viruses. Perhaps that's how some viruses or all viruses got started.  Which is one of the theories I am working on with my DNA Imaging programs. Perhaps the first viruses began as a section of DNA was being copied or DNA that got somehow opened up and became an organism of its own. A self contained "lifeform" with the tools to reproduce itself which is what viruses do.  They reproduce, as far as we know, by attaching themselves to another organism's cell and borrowing its factories and spare parts to reproduce itself. It would not surprise me at all to find that viruses can reproduce and even evolve by methods we refuse to imagine.  And I mean that.  There are some things science just doesn't want to believe until they have no choice. See Alfred Wegener, Tesla, Einstein, Galileo, etc.

I admit my knowledge is rudimentary and I like it that way.  I know enough to do what I want without getting so immersed in the jargon and theories that I lose sight of my goal which is to find patterns in DNA.

*As a side note.  I am writing this blog as a means to put my thoughts and theories "out there" as a record of sorts.  I think I said that before. So many times over the last few years I have seen ideas that I have had for a long time suddenly appear as new theories.  While watching the show Through The Wormhole hosted by Mr. Smooth Voice himself, Morgan Freeman, I decided to start this blog because about half the novel ideas presented there are not that novel to me at all. You might think that is brag and that's okay. I don't require that you believe me.  This blog on DNA on my research over the last few years with my imaging programs was sparked by the recent announcement of the change in the attitude toward "junk DNA" something I thought was a stupid idea from the first moment I heard the term. "Junk DNA" indeed.  Just one more example how science is still just stumbling along until the next big idea.  And if I record my theories and ideas right here right now then if we are still here in a decade or so I can look back and see how my ideas have evolved. Easier than keeping track of my notebooks.  I am missing about 10 years of my early work.  I think it's in the attic. I'll go look this winter when it is cooler up there. I will be curious to see if what I wrote down 20 years ago is anything like the landscape of science today.  But I digress.

Here is a short primer on DNA as it is presented to us.  Note that I don't necessarily believe all of it. For instance I don't believe they have actually sequenced the entire genome and in the article above in the Junk DNA link they say they have figured out or assigned functions to 80% of the Human Genome.  This is bull.  Just as it was bull 5 years ago when they said it was junk. Just because it is bioactive doesn't mean it serves a function but by the same token it also doesn't mean they know what it does. It's just hype like 80% of modern science stories.

DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid.  First off note that the word acid does not necessarily mean what you think it means. As I go along I will make keywords into links and you can follow those links at your leisure. So as not to bore you to death I will be brief.  The parts of DNA that are in the data of the Human Genome Project files are called bases.  These bases are molecules and there are four of them in the case of DNA.  Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine.  When a protein or other part is needed a signal and/or mechanism is sent that tells/initiates the DNA to open up and a copy is made of that section of DNA. This copy is called RNA and it has the same four bases except Thymine is replaced with Uracil.  These bases are held together by a "skeleton" if you will of sugars and phosphate groups.  Sugar is another one of those words that means a considerable bit more than what you might think.  But we won't go into that here. This isn't a chemistry lesson. Three years of chemistry was enough thanks.

These bases when taken in sets of three are called Codons. These codons are code for what are called Amino Acids.  You are probably aware of that term.  The amino acids when strung together form protein chains.  Due to their electromagnetic properties they twist fold and turn until they eventually become a piece of what ever is needed.  Blood cells, tissue, white cells, bones, what have you.  That is the very very very short version.  There are codons that tell the transcribing mechanism when and where to start and where to stop. In fact the regulations for the entire functioning of an organism must have codes for every function.  Not necessarily codons but strings of bases that are or are not codons that give fairly complex instructions to the machines in the cell that do the work. The complexity is staggering to contemplate. So complex in fact that some people who have worked with DNA have gone from agnostics and atheists to believers because the idea that such a complex mechanism as DNA and its functions happened by chance is inconceivable to them.  At least in the short time it happened here on earth. According to theory the earth had barely cooled before bacteria appeared.  A lot of people who aren't creationists and know something about science find that hard to believe. Myself included.  Although I don't necessarily understand why this would lead people to join any of the major religions that have spent most of their existence keeping man as ignorant of reality as possible, but to each his own I suppose.

My reasoning when developing the DNA IMAGER programs was fairly simplistic.  My thinking was that a code designed to replicate a certain structure would be different from sequences of code for other structures and that these codes would have a repetitive quality to them.  Repetition in data can be seen as a pattern.  I had four "codes" to work with and my goal was to look at the patterns so I just assigned the arbitrary colors of red, green, yellow, and blue to the four bases. If you have read my other posts you know that I occasionally have moments where my scientific thought process is interrupted by sudden bursts of faux divinity. Such as developing the 444 system and then finding that the number is buried in such things as mathematics at it most basic levels. Pi, Square root of two, and the primes.  When I figured out one day that the 12th prime was 37 and this equaled 444 I had one of those moments where you look up and grin into empty space. Not quite a Paul on the road to Damascus moment but one of those moments where you think you might be being coached by god.

I had one of those moments about a year into my imaging program development. I went to a library to find a book with the electronic structure of the bases.  My thought, and it still is my thought, to build an imager based upon the electromagnetic properties of the molecules involved.  I am a big believer in layers of coding. If you read my last post on the Giza pyramid you would know what I mean.  In DNA there are different layers of coding for sure.  The folding of proteins have primary, secondary, and tertiary properties.  Just the coding of proteins from bases is multilayer.  You have bases, three bases make a codon, several codons can code for the same amino acid, and the amino acid taken together are genes and genes can either code for proteins or for something else. The electromagnetic properties of these amino acid chains determine their bond angles and folding and this is a code in itself. While looking through the meager books on the subject at my backwoods library I came across a book that had something fairly similar to what I was doing with color coding the bases.  They however were not imaging the entire Human Genome because it hadn't been released yet at the time of the book. But they had also seen the value of assigning colors to the bases in order to "see" them better. I recall looking up and feeling as if I was given "a sign".  One of those moments when you realize people who get paid for this stuff are having similar trains of thought. This happens quite frequently to me actually. So much so in my younger days that I actually believed I was being coached, coaxed, or what have you.  That was until I actually read the Bible and became a nonbeliever. At least in the Bible anyway.

So as not to turn this post into a short novel I am going to post some of the images and explain them and my thinking. Remember I believe in layers of codes so I am constantly looking at both natural and unnatural angles.  But given what little we actually know about DNA and its origin or function it is hard to know what is natural or unnatural.  And in case you are wondering based on my last post about the Giza Pyramid being a "message to the future" if looking for "unnatural" patterns in the DNA is the same thing as looking for a "message" you would be right.  And when you get time, after finishing my blog of course you should check out the video I will be inserting by Lloyd Pye "Everything You Know Is Wrong". It is kind of long but pay attention at the part about Human and Ape Chromosomes.

So here come the pictures.

The first image is basically the original format I used when viewing the images. In the Human Genome files the bases are listed as a, c, g, t or the letter n when the base is not known yet.  These files are so full of holes in the data that one of two things is true. Either they don't actually have the entire genome processed or they aren't releasing all of it.  The conspiracy theorist in me is curious about both possibilities. Either it is a lie they have the whole thing sequenced or there are sequences they don't want us to see.

Imagine 4 possible colors of beads on a string.  You put those beads on the string in the same way that the base that color represents is read from the genome file.  Then you take those beads on a string and lay them down back and forth like a snake. You go a certain distance drop down one level then go back the other way and continue. In the case of some chromosomes that's hundreds of millions of beads.  The patterns are formed depending upon the "matrix" you use. My program allows you to enter the matrix you want to image.  This one goes 54 bases before it turns back the other way. This method is one of the so called natural methods since these bases would be one behind the other in the DNA strand.  My first imager put down a certain number of beads then just started back over at the left. The difference in the patterns can be quite different but not totally different.  I imaged all but one of these images with each version of my program using exactly the same DNA file. So this is the same DNA sequence viewed in different ways.  I still don't know if patterns like the one you see in the wavy lines are genes or not. At first your "natural" inclination is that this would be a gene but you can't be sure.  I am currently finding and filing away known gene files to see if I can find them among my images.  I have also downloaded sequenced virus and bacteria genomes for the same reason.
 The method below lays down the image much like the information on a CD. Concentric Circles. It begins in the center laying down the "beads".  The black portions in the above image and in the one below are gaps in the data in the genome files. I used to have my program ignore them but now I leave them in as markers. Which will help while you are looking at this. If you are curious how the 2 dimensional image above relates to the one below you can find your "mark" in the black circles below. The gaps up top are the gaps below.  The windmill effect is caused by using one of my favorite equations. 
You can take the Pythagorean theorem and use it to plot arcs or quadrants of a circle. Instead of A and B to find C you use X and Y and the hypotenuse becomes a series of points for R.  The hypotenuse is treated as the radius of the circle. If you keep the radius constant and move x forward you plot a different value for y and vice versa.  At each point plotted a pixel was set to red, green, blue, or yellow depending upon the letter of the base being read at that moment from the file. The pattern is completely different. The only thing you can spot are the variations in the amount of a certain color which indicates the presence of a certain base.

On the right - This is the same data plotted across the surface of a rod like a dowel to simulate the helix quality of DNA.  A true spiral on this scale would not be much more revealing than the same size circle being laid down on an imaginary rod. The shift would only be a little bit one way or the other but the pattern would be essentially the same. This image is if the rod were looked at straight on. This is also just one side of the rod. The other side would be hidden by the front view.

Below - is the same idea except the rod is split in half. You couldn't see both sides if the two halves weren't separated. Also the data is represented slightly differently. Instead of a single pixel the nucleotide base is represented by 3 pixels. Imagine a box of 4 pixels 2 x 2.  The upper left, upper right, and lower left are on and the lower right one is left black.  This method enhances the colors.  As you can tell.

Below - is a screen shot of a program I call Helix Finder. This is not the same data as the others. I just included it to show a point about layers of coding. On the left in the image is a graph that plots points based on the average count of the bases in the line to the left.  It works like this. 120 points are laid down. On average there would be 30 of each base in each line. Average is rarely the case with DNA.  The line down the center in the graphs on the right represents the average. The point plotted is the distance from average, plus or minus, on either side of the line.  Here is the layering point I am making.  Look in the graph at the right. notice the red, green, and blue lines. You may be able to copy and enlarge if you need to see it better.  What you will see is a helix like pattern.  I discovered this completely by chance while trying to find a quicker way to look through the 3 gigabytes of data.  I thought a graph might show me "hot spots" to come back and image.  That idea didn't work out but it did produce this result.  Note that this is just a numerical accounting of the occurrence of the bases not the actual bases.  It seems even in the "math" of DNA there is structure.

 Below - This is a very very very small sample of some of the "blips" found in the tens of thousands of panels produced by the very first method. I clipped and pasted them.  These interesting patterns appear usually at the beginning and ending of a chromosome.  The solid colors indicate strong math. Such as the exact same base occurring exactly in the same frequency over an extended period of time. The scaly looking sections have an interesting mathematics even more complicated than the solid colors. I haven't worked out the math of some of these patterns yet.  My thought is to use known equations like the Fibonacci sequence and others like 2n +1 or whatever and see if I can find comparable patterns.  It would not surprise me at all to find the Fibonacci sequence being used by DNA since it is used so much in nature. This set is taken exclusively from panels 54 bases wide. I have found interesting patterns using smaller matrices like 33 and larger ones like 121 or larger.  I have one program that will image very large swaths thousands of bases across.  This removes most patterns.  Patterns seem to occur over a small range of bases.  Each of these patterns persist for a few thousand bases. Some like the one at top persisted over 100s of thousands.  You can see that in the numbers at the bottom of the screen which is a base count.
If you haven't figured it out yet the possibilities are infinite here. There are 3 billion bases to image in a myriad of different ways.  I will admit the concentric circle idea seems to be producing nothing so I can probably drop that one.  Looks cool on monochrome Pi and Phi images though. The rod imager doesn't seem to produce anything more interesting than the flat panels above.  So I have set about imaging the entire genome using the first method. And that's why I happen to have all these panels 54 bases wide.

I haven't found anything like "HEY HUMANS WE WERE HERE" or an alien's face in the patterns but then again it takes weeks to generate one entire set of panels with all 23 chromosomes.  When you have a regular job it takes a long time to look at all the data generated and that's just for a specific number like the above 54. Mix in blogging and writing Pyramid programs and working on about a hundred other different lines of inquiry and it has become apparent that if I ever do find the "EUREKA"  moment the aliens may have already landed by then. In which case I suppose I could just ask them if they aren't busy vaporizing us for infesting a perfectly good planet with our stupidity.

Assuming aliens didn't write a message in our DNA or that we aren't a product of their genetic tampering the search for viruses in our genome is still a worthwhile endeavor. It is my theory that the points in evolution known as Punctuated Equilibrium are sometimes produced by viruses.  This explains how species can take what appear to be monumental jumps in evolution. By jumps I simply mean significant changes not reaching higher levels. In fact it appears that humans may actually be kind of further down on the ladder than some of our ancestors but that is beside the point.  The term punctuated equilibrium was coined to note those periods in the fossil record where an incredible change in the DNA of several species occurred.

The classic view of evolution is modification over time.  A chance mutation occurs in the genome of a species and either produces a disadvantage, an advantage, or something neutral.  Extreme changes in morphology that are not deadly are extremely rare.  Mutations usually lead to deadly consequences if they produce a change.  As I said before several different bases can be substituted in a given codon that produce the same amino acid so a mutation at this level has good odds of changing nothing. On the other hand a mutation in just the right place on a gene could cause the transcription of that gene and the subsequent folding of the protein it produces to be dangerous.  Sickle Cell Anemia for example. But Sickle Cell also gives an advantage against malaria. Our advances in modern medicine have in fact increased the passing on of these mutated genes to the point where people who carry them are able to transfer them. Modern medicine is good for the individual but on the whole not for the entire species although some could easily argue that some people who have contributed greatly to the advance of mankind were carries of these genes. If we were to be pragmatic about the whole thing we could simply say that there are over 6 billion humans and that the number of those with the harmful mutations are a small percentage of the population and pose no threat to the entire human genome as whole. That entire discussion we will probably never have on this blog. Eugenics isn't a big winner with most people.

There is a way to look at genes themselves that is fairly novel. I didn't think of it and I don't remember where I heard it but it was one of those epiphany moments.  The thinking goes like this. The same genes occur in several different species.  Many species from chickens to humans have genes in common how do you suppose that happened?  A common ancestor perhaps?  This is where the sequencing of as many animals as possible turns out to be important, if you care about such things.  We could map the genes we have in common and the genes we don't have in common and build a map of when our species diverged.  Here is another way to look at evolution though. What if we look at it from the genes point of view.

Those genes that we all have in common or most of us (lifeforms on planet earth) have in common are most likely the oldest surviving genes.  Animals have come and gone and the variety of life is amazing and these genes have survived since the time of our earliest common ancestors.  It is the genes that are the survivors.  Where as a gene might be mutated occasionally by chance in an individual it survives intact in everyone else unless that gene gives an advantage and is passed on. Could the different copies of these genes persist at the same time?  Yes they do.  Blue eyes and Brown eyes are an example as well as many others.

The biggest mystery perhaps is our supposed split from the apes. If we both descended from a common ancestor and the apes go back as far as we do and the apes have a total compliment of 48 chromosomes in the diploid state. Humans have only 46. This means that the haploid cells, or sex cells of apes have 24 chromosomes and humans 23. This is only one chromosome less than the apes but still IT IS ONE WHOLE CHROMOSOME difference.

How do you suppose that happens?  An entire Chromosome difference in a few million years? Did they gain one or did we lose one? Or is there another possibility?

In my mind, if we leave out aliens, this is where viruses come in.  Viruses can enter a host cell and stay there forever reproducing along with the cells of the host.  Sometimes this causes illness and death. Sometimes its a mild illness and the host gets better. Sometimes it's cancer.  And perhaps sometimes this self contained entity all its own can become a gene.  Not likely an entire chromosome though lost or gained. But perhaps one mystery of evolution can be solved by the idea that viruses have caused punctuated equilibrium.

It may be just a matter of getting enough viruses sequenced until I start finding evidence of them in our DNA. But I also only have the one genome to examine and my computers aren't the fastest and I don't have the time to devote myself to the project more than a few hours a week.

Maybe someone out there who reads this blog. Assuming anyone ever reads this blog. Will see my theory, steal it, and develop it.  If that happens and you make a few million how about sending a mil or two my way and I won't sue you and I can go to Egypt and spend my time on the pyramids. It's the least you could do.  Frankly I would just like to know if I am right.

This isn't the whole story of my dance with DNA. I have more theories. I have more angles to approach the imaging. Perhaps I will find something maybe I won't.  I have the method for imaging the DNA figured out but I am always thinking about new ones. In the mean time I will keep plugging away with the method I have and trying different matrices.  If an alien face pops out of the data or a virus I will post it here first.

Enjoy the video. I found it very interesting.