Finishing The 444 Thing
I am going to kind of rush through the rest of the 444 thing. I have other topics to move on to. The whole reason for the story about my 30 plus year obsession with the number 444, which is actually more of an interest in the perfect number 6 and numbers in general, is to demonstrate a point.
There are quite a few more pages I could write about the number 6 and numbers in general but you can hunt a lot of that down for yourself. You might find pages like the one I found that reminded me of something I wrote down a long time ago but had forgotten. If you take the square of 6 which is 36 and take bowling pins and set them up just as you would bowling pins, first 1, then 2, then 3, etc until the back row equals 36 then by the time you are done you would have 666 bowling pins. My version was dots on paper not bowling pins.
In my "Building a Mystery" theme these are the kinds of things a person would look for if they were trying to make what are already natural mathematical phenomenon conform to their mystery. So we have to be wary of this which is why I have gone outside the Bible and just regular words looking for other occurrences of the triplet 444. What I am doing and what we as an array could be doing is finding the bigger mystery using the phenomenon and not building one with it. That is to say we could be discovering the mystery not creating it. For instance finding Phi in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Even if the length of a side divided by the height is accidentally an approximation of half the value of Pi it doesn't matter because all Pi ratio pyramids will exhibit a number close to Phi in the calculations. This means that anyone building a pyramid containing Pi as 2 x base/height they will always come up with a number close to Phi or the "Golden ratio". So they don't need to intend to put Phi in it will show up on its own. That is more fundamental that actually doing it on purpose. The pyramid shape, when constructed using Pi, reveals a number close to Phi. That is a "natural" mystery. Then again Phi and the Golden Ratio may mean absolutely nothing. It's just a mathematical artifact of the Fibonacci sequence and/or square numbers. For more on Phi read this page ----->
Being a gnostic I believe the things we call supernatural and paranormal are actually quite normal and quite natural. But where does natural end and supernatural begin?
If it is true that life began here, or somewhere else and got spread here, then we still may only be looking at a single instance of life. Which if that were true the fact that we squander life so casually isn't sad, it is insane. Of course if it did come from somewhere else that means it may also have spread to somewhere else. The question would be how does that occur? What kind of mechanism could throw, toss, blast, form, or otherwise spread life through the nearly absolute zero near vacuum of space. A whole discussion by itself. But perhaps it occurred on its own all over the universe in isolation and in almost the same way. It would not surprise me at all to find life very similar to our own "out there". In fact it wouldn't surprise me to find something very human like out there.
We find amino acids in space rocks all the time. Did these amino acids require transcription of bases like ours do or are amino acids a natural chemical consequence of the universe? Experiments would indicate this to be the case. If that is the case then perhaps we have the chicken and egg backward. Perhaps amino acids came first and were the substrate for the bases. It sounds no more odd that amino acids are a natural consequence of the universes chemistry and that the bases and proteins, which occur on "either side" of the amino acids, came second than to say it all started from the bottom up. Maybe that's why the same amino acid can have more than one set of bases that code for it.
Now to finish up 444.
I found 444 in the two fundamental shapes and their constants in geometry. Circles/ Pi and Squares with the square root of 2. This goes outside the original paradigm of finding the number in a string of words in the Bible around the central figure of Jesus. Recap. JESUS is JOSHUA is the MESSIAH was hung on a CROSS his story is a GOSPEL his enemy is LUCIFER he was JEWISH and these words come to us from different languages all translated into ENGLISH. Then you find that Roman CUBITS are 444mm and in Roman Numerals 444 and 666 both equal 444. At the center of the Star of David is a HEXAGON. Hexagons are a whole subject unto themselves. Google sacred geometry, chemistry, engineering, crystallography, devil's post pile, snowflakes,etc
Here are a few more words. A small portion.
websters - 666
parts - 444 and its ANAGRAMS or anagrams of any 444 or 666 word
london - 444
venezuela - 666
nunnery - 666
convergence - 666
heavens - 444
energy - 444
calculation - 666
error - 444
computer - 666
corrupt - 666
The list goes on. An interesting thing happened in the program I wrote to create this list. I didn't account for every possibility in the text file I was using. A dictionary in text format. My program searched for spaces. Anything on either side of the spaces was considered a word. Sometimes this is abbreviations or special characters and thus don't count. Occasionally it was a carriage return at the end of a line or another character that was not technically a space but show no character. A couple of interesting things popped up when there was a blank but technically not a space. Carbon, as I said, is the 6th element and ELEMENT is a 444 word. The computer in some instances mashed two words that were next to each other with a non space in between and often one word in particular. The word carbon itself is not a 444 word but the term "ofcarbon" is and "ofoxygen" is 666. Ask a chemist what significance that might have if we are in a paradigm where 444 is good and 666 is bad why Oxygen would be bad. And finally for all you Dan Brown fans out there. The puzzle box called a CRYPTEX equals 666. Oh, and so does Santa Claus. You may laugh now. I did.
I have found 444 in music. Supposedly it is a frequency to tune A to and it creates beautiful harmonies with the other notes. I don't know I just skimmed across it. Like I said. I can't look at everything. I have also seen it referenced to F sharp. I don't know. I am not a musician. If any of you want to comment feel free. I never mind learning something.
My point being that this shows that the number appears in all sorts of disciplines and it and the number 6 are fundamental "number particles" like quarks are fundamental particles of matter. Incidentally 6, 3 in protons, 3 in neutrons and with the exception of hydrogen found in equal number in stable atoms. To physicists the numbers are mostly all they see. They are some of the greatest numerologists of all. The numbers mean something, everything. Geometry, chemistry, physics, engineering, and nearly all other sciences. Why they don't matter outside those realms when the entire universe presents them to us is beyond me.
There are many more things I could tell you as I have said but I have saved one of the best for last. My contention is that the number 444 is buried deep into our world and manifests itself in our languages and in our sciences in math in music in physics. Here is one more observation on the number 444. You can get 444 only a few ways with whole numbers because it is composed of few primes. 2 x 2 x 3 x 37. As you may know the number 12 is huge in the Bible and many other mythologies and religions. Of course 2 x 2 x 3 is 12. I also briefly mentioned the number 37 with the human body temperature thing. If you do enough of this method you come to realize that the number 37 as well as 6 is part of the process. 6 x 37 is 222, 12 x 37 is 444, 18 x 37 is 666, and so on.
My last submission to you is that the universe knows about the number 444 or probably more accurately that we now know it manifests the number 444 in various ways significant to us. Sulfur boils at 444.6 C. The color Indigo/Violet begins at 444hz. Electrons have a theoretical energy level that is 444.6 something or other. Saw that one on Sliders with Jerry O'Connell in the cave where he meets the first duplicate that solved the equation for him. I looked it up. It's actually a real theory. If I see 444 it obviously draws my attention. Sliders got a little goofy after the professor died by the way. But still a cool show for its time. Based on real theory. But I digress.
Here is something far less obscure than electron theory right down in the core of our math. Again. The prime numbers are those numbers that cannot be divided by other numbers except 1. 1 itself is not a prime number. I didn't make the rules that's just the way it is. The first 12 primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37. And there it is again. The 12th prime is 37 and 12 x 37 is 444.
And that is where I end the curious case of the number 444.
There is something hidden down deep in the universe and that something is inside us because we were produced by the universe. We are a part of the universe. We are a part of the universe trying to understand itself.
I don't think anyone can find the answer by themselves. And that's the reason for the VLHA. The Very Large Human Array.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
444 and 666 continued
To the right you will see the Northern Pole of Saturn. Our 6th Planet.
When I left off in my last post was the semi serious mention of the human body temperature being 66.6 degrees above freezing and 37 degrees on the Celsius scale.
There is a thread in the history of the metric system, the Roman Empire, and it's influence on pretty much everything, that I have not thoroughly explored. It is the Roman Empire that morphed into the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic Church which gathered the books of the Bible. If any one organization is responsible for the content of the Holy Bible it is the Catholic Church. The only reason I mention this is because the Romans used a 444mm cubit and the 444 and 666 numbers pop up on the Bible. I am sure many words also have values of 222 and 888 I just haven't included that in my research. Too many paths to take and I can't take them all.
The Romans also had a system for writing numbers adequately called Roman Numerals. The 444mm cubit and the movement of the Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire puts this discussion well within that culture. You might call it a tendril or a thread. That's how these connections play out in my mind. Different threads and lines connecting societies and entities over time. But just as the GEMATRIA and ENGLISH numbering systems are linked in many ways, and firmly so, the link to Roman society is also strong. In Roman Numerals the number for 444 is CDXLIV. When you plug these letters into the English 6 system you have another "word" that equals 444. 3 + 4 + 24 + 12 + 9 + 22 x 6 = 444. The same is true of the Roman Numeral for 666. Of course it also equals 444 because the same letters are used. DCLXVI.
As I will explain later I don't necessarily think this is a mystical occurrence it may not even be by design. So I don't want you to dismiss this out of hand and just forget this blog completely. I am not driving at a hidden message by God or Aliens or even priests. I am simply running along like a surveyor planting little orange flags here and there trying to get a lay of the land. Please continue.
Above you will see a picture taken by Cassini, the probe currently circling Saturn. As you can see the clouds at the top show a 6 sided figure. A very strangely symmetrical 6 sided figure for something formed from swirling gas and super cooled liquid sludge. This "structure" was seen before when Voyager passed by Saturn. The shape is obviously a HEXAGON on the 6th planet in our Solar System. A planet known since antiquity. Whether or not they knew about the HEXAGON at the pole is another story. As you just guessed HEXAGON is a 444 word.
Some words and concepts have multiple "little orange flags" stuck in them. Hexagon is one of them for obvious reasons. It is a 6 sided regular polygon and the word itself has the symmetry of the 444. It has so much significance in science, math, geometry, sacred geometry, religion, and about a hundred other things its importance cannot be over stated. In fact I could probably write a hundred more pages and put a few thousand links on the page for you to look at. I am gathering the best of those links now. Sacred geometry is interesting to say the least. But I digress.
The hexagon was also the first polygon used by Archimedes when beginning the task of figuring out the value of Pi. Which as you probably know is the ratio that appears in all circles between the diameter and the circumference. Although I personally don't think Pi is the constant we should be using none the less it has been around for a long time. Archimedes used it for God's sake! How do you argue against that?
Pi has to be determined mathematically. It is one of those constants that cannot be done by measuring. A few decimal places yes but at some point you have to be able to measure distances that you cannot even see and could never make a mark on a ruler small enough to define. If you had a circle the size of the earth and a ruler big enough to measure the diameter or even just the radius accurately here is what you would encounter. And this applies to all measurements of any kind anywhere in the universe. What is the smallest mark a person could make and see it? For the sake of argument and the ability to actually apply the use of that mark we will say a tenth of a millimeter. After that many of us would have to get out the reading glasses. So in tenths of a millimeter how far is it around the earth? The earth is roughly 40 000 km in circumference. Multiply this times 1000 to get meters and you have 40 million meters. Times 1000 again and you have millimeters or 40 billion and then times 10 (the size of the smallest mark we can make) and you have 400 billion. So you have 400 billion of these tiny tiny marks to use. That number has 12 digit positions [400 000 000 000]. So one of those marks would be the inverse of that or 1 trillionth. So this is the number of decimal positions you could use to do your calculation of Pi if you also had a ruler and could measure a straight line to the center of the earth and then double that and divide it into the circumference. This of course is not possible.
I could go on for some time and tell you why all measuring schemes will never give you a precise number for Pi because of the materials used, temperature expanding and contracting your ruler, your eye sight, etc. But I think you see the point. The number has to be derived mathematically at some point, which is why mathematics is king among the sciences. It allows to do theoretical measurements that we could not otherwise do. It is a pure science in that observation never changes the math only the theory the math reveals.
Other mathematical concepts such as square roots of numbers have led to such theorems as the so called Pythagorean Theorem. It has been learned that Pythagoras was not the first to discover this relationship with right triangles. There is plenty of evidence to show that its existence was known to the ancient Egyptians and the Babylonians. The theorem is simple. You have a triangle with a 90 degree angle. If you know the length of any of the two sides you can know the other by using and rearranging the formula a (squared) x b (squared) = c (squared). To make this brief there is a perfect example of this in the numbers 3, 4, and 5. 3 x 3 = 9 and 4 x 4 = 16 and 9 + 16 = 25 and 25 = 5 x 5. If you knew that c = 5 and that a = 3 then rearranging the formula you could find out that b = 4. And so on.
How does this relate to Pi? Remember to get accurate values for the decimals in Pi beyond the point where it can be physically measured you must use pure math. My first attempt was with the Pythagorean Theorem. Below is a an image of the basic idea. The math gets pretty complicated only in the number of decimal places you have to keep. In the long run it is not suitable since the number of decimal places begin to become nearly as long as the number of decimal places of Pi you are trying to determine.
If you notice on the left side of the figure where the arc of the circle is missing you will see the lines on the approximate circle being built by successive dividing of the last side. This occurs where you see right triangles. If you take a compass and a piece of paper you can see this method easier. You draw a circle. Divide it into quadrants then draw a line from corner to corner where those lines meet the circle. The you draw a line from the center that passes center of those lines. You then draw lines from those points to each other. You go from 4 sides to 8 sides then to 16 and so on. Each time you are halving the angle and splitting one of the newer sides.
To make a long story short. If you begin with whole numbers for your sides (to make the first step easier) then you can carry this progression out fairly far, if you want to work that hard, you can then figure out a good approximation of Pi. Along the way you will find "tricks" and relationships that will shorten the work. It is my understanding that Archimedes worked this problem out to a 96 sided polygon both inside and outside the target circle and thus obtained a range of value for Pi between 3 10/71 and 3 1/7. Using only fractions and not the Pythagorean Theorem. Also he did not begin with a square inside the circle but rather a HEXAGON and halved it as he went. If you used his approximation as an engineer, specifically 3 1/7th you would be accurate to within .00126 and using 3 10/71 will get you even closer with an accuracy of .00074of the actual value of Pi The value of Pi stored in your calculator is more than enough for any circle you will encounter on earth unless you want to measure its nucleus.
Why did I go through all this? To show you how, as far as I know, you can't derive Pi any other way beyond a few decimal points without math and how different methods can be employed. In the final solution as you continue to halve the angle and halve the last side and then create a new side from the previous operation your approximation of the circle using an every increasing sided polygon becomes more accurate to the total circumference of the "real" circle. And this you divide by twice the radius which you can for simplicity make into a number such as 1. The use of 1 will mean that as your polygon grows you will find the value of Pi * 2 appearing in the perimeter of the polygon which stands in for the circumference of the circle. If you used a 0.5 radius what ever number you find for the polygon's perimeter will be Pi.
If the two sides of a right triangle are equal for instance a and b are both equal to 1 then c is equal to the square root of 2. This is handy if you want to find the distance from corner to corner of a square. You simply take a single side and multiply by the square root of 2. For instance the base of a pyramid whose base side length is 100 would have a length of 100 x Sqr(2) from corner to opposite corner or 141.421. This makes the square root of 2 as fundamental to squares as Pi is fundamental to circles.
A little side note. Tau is thought to be by some the true value we should be looking at in circles. Tau is circumference divided by radius. Circles begin with a radius not a diameter. If the people who built the pyramid understood this then they got it perfectly right. The total length of the sides divided by the height is Tau or 2 x what we call Pi. Just a thought.
And I will conclude here with the 2nd or 3rd to the last oddities that ties yet another discipline, that of the pure science of math and geometry to the number 444. I have shown that Pi the most fundamental constants of circles and the Square Root of Two the most fundamental constant in square related geometry are tied together. When you multiply Pi times Sqr(2) you get a number that begins with the numbers 4.44........
The last post I will make on this subject will come in a few weeks. I don't know if I will have any readers by then but that's okay. I have been watching over the years as I have worked this theory piecemeal on AOL when it first started and in conversations I have had going back to the mid 80s and watched other people pick it up and use it as their own. This blog is as much about recording what I have found and what I will find in the future. In the last page on this particular number 444 I will lead into the notion that 444 is just a side manifestation of the number 6 and begin an in depth discussion of the number 6 and it's position in nature. Remember the 6th ELEMENT is carbon the building block of life.
In a couple weeks these posts will be more professional and include more graphics.
I hope you join me then.
To the right you will see the Northern Pole of Saturn. Our 6th Planet.
When I left off in my last post was the semi serious mention of the human body temperature being 66.6 degrees above freezing and 37 degrees on the Celsius scale.
There is a thread in the history of the metric system, the Roman Empire, and it's influence on pretty much everything, that I have not thoroughly explored. It is the Roman Empire that morphed into the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic Church which gathered the books of the Bible. If any one organization is responsible for the content of the Holy Bible it is the Catholic Church. The only reason I mention this is because the Romans used a 444mm cubit and the 444 and 666 numbers pop up on the Bible. I am sure many words also have values of 222 and 888 I just haven't included that in my research. Too many paths to take and I can't take them all.
The Romans also had a system for writing numbers adequately called Roman Numerals. The 444mm cubit and the movement of the Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire puts this discussion well within that culture. You might call it a tendril or a thread. That's how these connections play out in my mind. Different threads and lines connecting societies and entities over time. But just as the GEMATRIA and ENGLISH numbering systems are linked in many ways, and firmly so, the link to Roman society is also strong. In Roman Numerals the number for 444 is CDXLIV. When you plug these letters into the English 6 system you have another "word" that equals 444. 3 + 4 + 24 + 12 + 9 + 22 x 6 = 444. The same is true of the Roman Numeral for 666. Of course it also equals 444 because the same letters are used. DCLXVI.
As I will explain later I don't necessarily think this is a mystical occurrence it may not even be by design. So I don't want you to dismiss this out of hand and just forget this blog completely. I am not driving at a hidden message by God or Aliens or even priests. I am simply running along like a surveyor planting little orange flags here and there trying to get a lay of the land. Please continue.
Above you will see a picture taken by Cassini, the probe currently circling Saturn. As you can see the clouds at the top show a 6 sided figure. A very strangely symmetrical 6 sided figure for something formed from swirling gas and super cooled liquid sludge. This "structure" was seen before when Voyager passed by Saturn. The shape is obviously a HEXAGON on the 6th planet in our Solar System. A planet known since antiquity. Whether or not they knew about the HEXAGON at the pole is another story. As you just guessed HEXAGON is a 444 word.
Some words and concepts have multiple "little orange flags" stuck in them. Hexagon is one of them for obvious reasons. It is a 6 sided regular polygon and the word itself has the symmetry of the 444. It has so much significance in science, math, geometry, sacred geometry, religion, and about a hundred other things its importance cannot be over stated. In fact I could probably write a hundred more pages and put a few thousand links on the page for you to look at. I am gathering the best of those links now. Sacred geometry is interesting to say the least. But I digress.
The hexagon was also the first polygon used by Archimedes when beginning the task of figuring out the value of Pi. Which as you probably know is the ratio that appears in all circles between the diameter and the circumference. Although I personally don't think Pi is the constant we should be using none the less it has been around for a long time. Archimedes used it for God's sake! How do you argue against that?
Pi has to be determined mathematically. It is one of those constants that cannot be done by measuring. A few decimal places yes but at some point you have to be able to measure distances that you cannot even see and could never make a mark on a ruler small enough to define. If you had a circle the size of the earth and a ruler big enough to measure the diameter or even just the radius accurately here is what you would encounter. And this applies to all measurements of any kind anywhere in the universe. What is the smallest mark a person could make and see it? For the sake of argument and the ability to actually apply the use of that mark we will say a tenth of a millimeter. After that many of us would have to get out the reading glasses. So in tenths of a millimeter how far is it around the earth? The earth is roughly 40 000 km in circumference. Multiply this times 1000 to get meters and you have 40 million meters. Times 1000 again and you have millimeters or 40 billion and then times 10 (the size of the smallest mark we can make) and you have 400 billion. So you have 400 billion of these tiny tiny marks to use. That number has 12 digit positions [400 000 000 000]. So one of those marks would be the inverse of that or 1 trillionth. So this is the number of decimal positions you could use to do your calculation of Pi if you also had a ruler and could measure a straight line to the center of the earth and then double that and divide it into the circumference. This of course is not possible.
I could go on for some time and tell you why all measuring schemes will never give you a precise number for Pi because of the materials used, temperature expanding and contracting your ruler, your eye sight, etc. But I think you see the point. The number has to be derived mathematically at some point, which is why mathematics is king among the sciences. It allows to do theoretical measurements that we could not otherwise do. It is a pure science in that observation never changes the math only the theory the math reveals.
Other mathematical concepts such as square roots of numbers have led to such theorems as the so called Pythagorean Theorem. It has been learned that Pythagoras was not the first to discover this relationship with right triangles. There is plenty of evidence to show that its existence was known to the ancient Egyptians and the Babylonians. The theorem is simple. You have a triangle with a 90 degree angle. If you know the length of any of the two sides you can know the other by using and rearranging the formula a (squared) x b (squared) = c (squared). To make this brief there is a perfect example of this in the numbers 3, 4, and 5. 3 x 3 = 9 and 4 x 4 = 16 and 9 + 16 = 25 and 25 = 5 x 5. If you knew that c = 5 and that a = 3 then rearranging the formula you could find out that b = 4. And so on.
How does this relate to Pi? Remember to get accurate values for the decimals in Pi beyond the point where it can be physically measured you must use pure math. My first attempt was with the Pythagorean Theorem. Below is a an image of the basic idea. The math gets pretty complicated only in the number of decimal places you have to keep. In the long run it is not suitable since the number of decimal places begin to become nearly as long as the number of decimal places of Pi you are trying to determine.
If you notice on the left side of the figure where the arc of the circle is missing you will see the lines on the approximate circle being built by successive dividing of the last side. This occurs where you see right triangles. If you take a compass and a piece of paper you can see this method easier. You draw a circle. Divide it into quadrants then draw a line from corner to corner where those lines meet the circle. The you draw a line from the center that passes center of those lines. You then draw lines from those points to each other. You go from 4 sides to 8 sides then to 16 and so on. Each time you are halving the angle and splitting one of the newer sides.
To make a long story short. If you begin with whole numbers for your sides (to make the first step easier) then you can carry this progression out fairly far, if you want to work that hard, you can then figure out a good approximation of Pi. Along the way you will find "tricks" and relationships that will shorten the work. It is my understanding that Archimedes worked this problem out to a 96 sided polygon both inside and outside the target circle and thus obtained a range of value for Pi between 3 10/71 and 3 1/7. Using only fractions and not the Pythagorean Theorem. Also he did not begin with a square inside the circle but rather a HEXAGON and halved it as he went. If you used his approximation as an engineer, specifically 3 1/7th you would be accurate to within .00126 and using 3 10/71 will get you even closer with an accuracy of .00074of the actual value of Pi The value of Pi stored in your calculator is more than enough for any circle you will encounter on earth unless you want to measure its nucleus.
Why did I go through all this? To show you how, as far as I know, you can't derive Pi any other way beyond a few decimal points without math and how different methods can be employed. In the final solution as you continue to halve the angle and halve the last side and then create a new side from the previous operation your approximation of the circle using an every increasing sided polygon becomes more accurate to the total circumference of the "real" circle. And this you divide by twice the radius which you can for simplicity make into a number such as 1. The use of 1 will mean that as your polygon grows you will find the value of Pi * 2 appearing in the perimeter of the polygon which stands in for the circumference of the circle. If you used a 0.5 radius what ever number you find for the polygon's perimeter will be Pi.
If the two sides of a right triangle are equal for instance a and b are both equal to 1 then c is equal to the square root of 2. This is handy if you want to find the distance from corner to corner of a square. You simply take a single side and multiply by the square root of 2. For instance the base of a pyramid whose base side length is 100 would have a length of 100 x Sqr(2) from corner to opposite corner or 141.421. This makes the square root of 2 as fundamental to squares as Pi is fundamental to circles.
A little side note. Tau is thought to be by some the true value we should be looking at in circles. Tau is circumference divided by radius. Circles begin with a radius not a diameter. If the people who built the pyramid understood this then they got it perfectly right. The total length of the sides divided by the height is Tau or 2 x what we call Pi. Just a thought.
And I will conclude here with the 2nd or 3rd to the last oddities that ties yet another discipline, that of the pure science of math and geometry to the number 444. I have shown that Pi the most fundamental constants of circles and the Square Root of Two the most fundamental constant in square related geometry are tied together. When you multiply Pi times Sqr(2) you get a number that begins with the numbers 4.44........
The last post I will make on this subject will come in a few weeks. I don't know if I will have any readers by then but that's okay. I have been watching over the years as I have worked this theory piecemeal on AOL when it first started and in conversations I have had going back to the mid 80s and watched other people pick it up and use it as their own. This blog is as much about recording what I have found and what I will find in the future. In the last page on this particular number 444 I will lead into the notion that 444 is just a side manifestation of the number 6 and begin an in depth discussion of the number 6 and it's position in nature. Remember the 6th ELEMENT is carbon the building block of life.
In a couple weeks these posts will be more professional and include more graphics.
I hope you join me then.
Friday, August 24, 2012
I have a functional ability to do math. Rudimentary algebra at best. In the fifth grade I had a teacher, Mrs. Harding, who saw that math wasn't difficult for me. I don't know why but she allowed me to progress at my own pace. I could work the math books as fast as I wanted. I finished the fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade, and part of the eighth grade math book before the year was up. I got an A in math. In sixth grade I had to do the sixth grade math book again. And in seventh the seventh, and so on. My lesson from this as a young boy was this. Pretty much nothing. I am sure if my parents were better off I would have been given more challenges and probably done more with my life. I guess the lesson was one I already knew. But I can still do math. And I can find patterns. That's kept me pretty busy and entertained most my life.
Like a good percentage of people I started looking for the meaning of life and the hidden mysteries of life in the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible specifically. Turns out when you start counting occurrences of words and letters in the Bible you have to read it at the same time. Reading the Bible made me an atheist for a period of time. Why isn't relevant. The pattern I found was one of contradiction and fatal philosophical arguments. Not fatal for the reader but fatal to themselves. We aren't here to discuss the problems with the Bible though. You can go find those for yourselves. Or don't bother if you don't want to know. That's up to you. It is ironic perhaps that in trying to find God in the Bible I actually lost all belief in God. But I did find something else.
I developed my system of giving values to letters of the English alphabet based on the perfect number 6. A perfect number is a number that has the property of its factors, not including itself, adding up to itself. The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. Excluding itself these numbers add up to 6. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Also interestingly enough it is the only perfect number whose factors multiply to itself. 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. The next perfect number is 28. Its factors are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28. 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. We don't need to do the math on that one. It is obvious it won't multiply out to 28. This isn't unusual in the lower numbers. Meaning that other numbers, like 15, with factors of 1, 3, 5, and 15 will also give you a multiplication of its factors equaling itself. 1 x 3 x 5 = 15. But 6 is the only perfect number I have found that does this as well as being perfect. It is easier to build these relationships when the factors are less numerous. I only mention it to build suspense. If you stick with this post you might find it is worth it. 6 is a pretty special number.
Using the perfect number 6 we assign values to the English alphabet in a linear fashion. A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 and so forth. When doing a lot of conversions of a word or words to a numerical value it is easier to just add the position of the letters in the alphabet and multiply by 6. For instance in the system the word CAT would be in long form 18 + 6 + 120. In short form you could just add letter positions 3 + 1 + 20 x 6. The result in both cases is 144.
Applying this method to major figures of the Bible I got these results. JESUS = 444. JOSHUA (which is another name for JESUS) = 444. MESSIAH = 444. GOSPEL = 444. LUCIFER = 444. CUBITS = 444. CROSS = 444.
At first I thought CUBITS was reaching a bit. It's one of those things that cultists try to throw in to bolster the validity of their message. I happen to be reading a magazine on Biblical Archaeology when I chanced across an article that said that a measurement had been found for the Roman Cubit using a description left in a tomb of the tomb's dimensions in cubits. Measuring the tomb yielded the measurement of 444mm for the cubit that was used. Now if you Google Roman Cubit you will find not only the 444mm for the cubitus but the 222mm for the palmus major and 74mm for the palmus.
If you hadn't noticed a word that adds up to 74 using the short form of adding the letter positions and then multiplying by 6 will equal 444. 74 x 6 = 444. Obviously a word that equals 37 will multiply out to 222. The 37, 74, 222 and the 444 are themes in other measurements if you look at the chart on Wikipedia.
I haven't explored this avenue of the "mystery" yet. The 37 and 74 aspect. Perhaps 444 isn't the "big deal" maybe its the base numbers. But for now we will stick with the 444. Perhaps because 37 is a prime number. The Romans weren't numerically illiterate. After raiding a few highly mathematical societies they had gained a lot of knowledge.
Interestingly enough JEWISH = 444. Hebrew numerology is called GEMATRIA which as you can probably tell by now is a 444 word because it is capitalized. It is my understanding that JESUS in GEMATRIA = 888. This is arrived at by a method I described earlier that gives different values to the importance of a letter not its position. How odd is it that in two different systems the same word has such similar numerical values when both systems are totally different in method? And that all these words are derived from Hebrew, Greek, and other languages all translated into ENGLISH.
This could all be extreme coincidence. Or it could be that the writers of the Gospels designed things this way. They certainly had the access to do so. How going from Greek and Hebrew to Latin then into English could possibly be worked out in advance would show an extreme amount of foresight. I think I would be more likely to believe a higher power capable of such a thing than the writers and later translators of the Bible being in cahoots.
I mentioned that I write computer programs. Doing words one at a time after awhile does become easier but doing one word at a time builds a picture very slowly. So I found a dictionary in text format, wrote a program to do the counting for me, and produced lists of 444 and 666 words. I may or may not post that list later. I also found the King James Bible in text format and did the same thing. I have yet to look through that "data" as well.
If this sounds too serious at the moment you may find it funny that Devils Food and Santa Claus both = 666. Devil's Food is easy but Santa Claus? When building a mystery this one was actually easier than you might think. Who has replaced Jesus as the focus of Christmas? Santa Claus of course. Isn't that something of an anti christ? And before any semi serious scholars of the Bible protest, yes I realize that is the number of The Beast. But as a side note there isn't "an Antichrist" either. There are people described as antichrists. It isn't a name or title. That's a myth of the Bible just as Angels having wings or the serpent being the devil. That's why it is important when you are trying to build a mythology for your mystery to make sure your audience doesn't know the subject matter very well. Still pretty odd coincidence though.
I am not done with the story of 444. There are at least a few posts worth of information on this subject alone but I want you to have time to play with this yourself and see what you find. I also want you to come back to read the rest. Remember all this is leading up to why I want to form the VLHA. So I am going to leave you with possibly the third or fourth most interesting surprise in this tale. Also remember I am having fun with the idea of building a mystery so not everything I say should be taken seriously. Just note the extreme coincidence.
They say the number of the beast is the number of a man and the following information is a bit of a reach that is why it is third or fourth. Maybe fifth. What is the average temperature of a person? 98.6 degrees. Which is 66.6 degrees above the freezing point of water and in the metric system is 37 degrees. Spooky?
If you find that interesting come back for part 2 of the story of 444 and 666.
Building A Mystery
I never get straight to the point with my writings. This one is titled "Building A Mystery" because with the work I have done so far I can see where a mystery could easily be conjured from the information. This is the first of my blogs on Blogger just to get any potential readers acquainted with the kinds of things I think about every waking moment of the day.
When I was perhaps 14 or so I read the book Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Brilliant man. From that moment on I was enthralled by science. I remember my father taking me to the library in a town five miles away every week or other weekend. My parents were avid readers as was most of my family. We chewed through books. I had two sections, and pretty much only two sections, I was interested in. Science and Science Fiction.
This was a small county library. It's been so long that I can't even recall what it looked like inside but I can remember the smell. Anyone that grew up before libraries became sanitized digital outlets the smell that greeted you was the musty smell of paper. If you have an extra number of smell receptors in your nose, like I have, you not only smelled paper you smelled the dust on the paper and the warm patch on the carpet where the sunlight hit. You could smell the fresh ink on new science books. If you had the deluxe smell package, as those like myself, and the people who smell water for the state of New York for a living, you could smell the people that walked down that aisle a few minutes or hours before you did. The peanut butter sandwich the kid who read Nightfall by Asimov had for a snack in the middle of the night by the light of the street lamp outside on the corner of Elm Street. Or maybe that was me.
There was a limit of 14 books. I would easily find 14 books to read. A mixture of astrophysics, chemistry, cosmology, and science fiction. One of the ladies once felt she needed to tell me, the 14 year old kid with a stack of science books, that there was only a 2 week period before the books were to be returned. My dad. An imposing man with dark black hair and blue eyes, a gaze like Clint Eastwood, looked at the woman with a glint in his eye and said "He'll have those done probably before next week". I smiled. My dad didn't seem to think much of me most the time, probably for good reason, but that day he stood up for the one thing he saw in me that this person couldn't see. An intense desire to know what was really going on.
I studied Chemistry (up to 300 level), Biology (300), Philosophy (200), Computer Programming (Diploma) Licensed in Liberty Basic, Physics (rudimentary), Archaeology, Social Studies, World Food and Hunger, and many many other things.
I have studied all these disciplines some in depth some just enough to find out what I was looking for at the time. I write programs for my own research such as imaging billions of digits of Pi and the Square Root of 2 and using the files from the Human Genome Project, looking for, yes you guessed it, mysteries. I will share some of those images as I proceed.
In the following posts I will explain to you what I have seen. There are periods of time in my studies that I have run into walls in my thinking then something new would catch my eye and I would exhaust that avenue. The walls are coming faster it seems and I think I have figured out why. I can't find and absorb the information as quickly as I need to for the scope of the task at hand. Possibly it is the height of hubris to believe I can figure it out. But hey, I haven't got much else to do. Killing time until time kills me and all that.
If you are also curious about the true nature of existence and find some resonance with what you read here feel free to leave a comment. If you find an error I would like to know that too. My intent here is to learn and discover not dictate.
Thank you for your time.
When I was perhaps 14 or so I read the book Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Brilliant man. From that moment on I was enthralled by science. I remember my father taking me to the library in a town five miles away every week or other weekend. My parents were avid readers as was most of my family. We chewed through books. I had two sections, and pretty much only two sections, I was interested in. Science and Science Fiction.
This was a small county library. It's been so long that I can't even recall what it looked like inside but I can remember the smell. Anyone that grew up before libraries became sanitized digital outlets the smell that greeted you was the musty smell of paper. If you have an extra number of smell receptors in your nose, like I have, you not only smelled paper you smelled the dust on the paper and the warm patch on the carpet where the sunlight hit. You could smell the fresh ink on new science books. If you had the deluxe smell package, as those like myself, and the people who smell water for the state of New York for a living, you could smell the people that walked down that aisle a few minutes or hours before you did. The peanut butter sandwich the kid who read Nightfall by Asimov had for a snack in the middle of the night by the light of the street lamp outside on the corner of Elm Street. Or maybe that was me.
There was a limit of 14 books. I would easily find 14 books to read. A mixture of astrophysics, chemistry, cosmology, and science fiction. One of the ladies once felt she needed to tell me, the 14 year old kid with a stack of science books, that there was only a 2 week period before the books were to be returned. My dad. An imposing man with dark black hair and blue eyes, a gaze like Clint Eastwood, looked at the woman with a glint in his eye and said "He'll have those done probably before next week". I smiled. My dad didn't seem to think much of me most the time, probably for good reason, but that day he stood up for the one thing he saw in me that this person couldn't see. An intense desire to know what was really going on.
I studied Chemistry (up to 300 level), Biology (300), Philosophy (200), Computer Programming (Diploma) Licensed in Liberty Basic, Physics (rudimentary), Archaeology, Social Studies, World Food and Hunger, and many many other things.
I have studied all these disciplines some in depth some just enough to find out what I was looking for at the time. I write programs for my own research such as imaging billions of digits of Pi and the Square Root of 2 and using the files from the Human Genome Project, looking for, yes you guessed it, mysteries. I will share some of those images as I proceed.
In the following posts I will explain to you what I have seen. There are periods of time in my studies that I have run into walls in my thinking then something new would catch my eye and I would exhaust that avenue. The walls are coming faster it seems and I think I have figured out why. I can't find and absorb the information as quickly as I need to for the scope of the task at hand. Possibly it is the height of hubris to believe I can figure it out. But hey, I haven't got much else to do. Killing time until time kills me and all that.
If you are also curious about the true nature of existence and find some resonance with what you read here feel free to leave a comment. If you find an error I would like to know that too. My intent here is to learn and discover not dictate.
Thank you for your time.
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