I have a functional ability to do math. Rudimentary algebra at best. In the fifth grade I had a teacher, Mrs. Harding, who saw that math wasn't difficult for me. I don't know why but she allowed me to progress at my own pace. I could work the math books as fast as I wanted. I finished the fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade, and part of the eighth grade math book before the year was up. I got an A in math. In sixth grade I had to do the sixth grade math book again. And in seventh the seventh, and so on. My lesson from this as a young boy was this. Pretty much nothing. I am sure if my parents were better off I would have been given more challenges and probably done more with my life. I guess the lesson was one I already knew. But I can still do math. And I can find patterns. That's kept me pretty busy and entertained most my life.
Like a good percentage of people I started looking for the meaning of life and the hidden mysteries of life in the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible specifically. Turns out when you start counting occurrences of words and letters in the Bible you have to read it at the same time. Reading the Bible made me an atheist for a period of time. Why isn't relevant. The pattern I found was one of contradiction and fatal philosophical arguments. Not fatal for the reader but fatal to themselves. We aren't here to discuss the problems with the Bible though. You can go find those for yourselves. Or don't bother if you don't want to know. That's up to you. It is ironic perhaps that in trying to find God in the Bible I actually lost all belief in God. But I did find something else.
I developed my system of giving values to letters of the English alphabet based on the perfect number 6. A perfect number is a number that has the property of its factors, not including itself, adding up to itself. The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. Excluding itself these numbers add up to 6. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Also interestingly enough it is the only perfect number whose factors multiply to itself. 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. The next perfect number is 28. Its factors are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28. 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. We don't need to do the math on that one. It is obvious it won't multiply out to 28. This isn't unusual in the lower numbers. Meaning that other numbers, like 15, with factors of 1, 3, 5, and 15 will also give you a multiplication of its factors equaling itself. 1 x 3 x 5 = 15. But 6 is the only perfect number I have found that does this as well as being perfect. It is easier to build these relationships when the factors are less numerous. I only mention it to build suspense. If you stick with this post you might find it is worth it. 6 is a pretty special number.
Using the perfect number 6 we assign values to the English alphabet in a linear fashion. A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 and so forth. When doing a lot of conversions of a word or words to a numerical value it is easier to just add the position of the letters in the alphabet and multiply by 6. For instance in the system the word CAT would be in long form 18 + 6 + 120. In short form you could just add letter positions 3 + 1 + 20 x 6. The result in both cases is 144.
Applying this method to major figures of the Bible I got these results. JESUS = 444. JOSHUA (which is another name for JESUS) = 444. MESSIAH = 444. GOSPEL = 444. LUCIFER = 444. CUBITS = 444. CROSS = 444.
At first I thought CUBITS was reaching a bit. It's one of those things that cultists try to throw in to bolster the validity of their message. I happen to be reading a magazine on Biblical Archaeology when I chanced across an article that said that a measurement had been found for the Roman Cubit using a description left in a tomb of the tomb's dimensions in cubits. Measuring the tomb yielded the measurement of 444mm for the cubit that was used. Now if you Google Roman Cubit you will find not only the 444mm for the cubitus but the 222mm for the palmus major and 74mm for the palmus.
If you hadn't noticed a word that adds up to 74 using the short form of adding the letter positions and then multiplying by 6 will equal 444. 74 x 6 = 444. Obviously a word that equals 37 will multiply out to 222. The 37, 74, 222 and the 444 are themes in other measurements if you look at the chart on Wikipedia.
I haven't explored this avenue of the "mystery" yet. The 37 and 74 aspect. Perhaps 444 isn't the "big deal" maybe its the base numbers. But for now we will stick with the 444. Perhaps because 37 is a prime number. The Romans weren't numerically illiterate. After raiding a few highly mathematical societies they had gained a lot of knowledge.
Interestingly enough JEWISH = 444. Hebrew numerology is called GEMATRIA which as you can probably tell by now is a 444 word because it is capitalized. It is my understanding that JESUS in GEMATRIA = 888. This is arrived at by a method I described earlier that gives different values to the importance of a letter not its position. How odd is it that in two different systems the same word has such similar numerical values when both systems are totally different in method? And that all these words are derived from Hebrew, Greek, and other languages all translated into ENGLISH.
This could all be extreme coincidence. Or it could be that the writers of the Gospels designed things this way. They certainly had the access to do so. How going from Greek and Hebrew to Latin then into English could possibly be worked out in advance would show an extreme amount of foresight. I think I would be more likely to believe a higher power capable of such a thing than the writers and later translators of the Bible being in cahoots.
I mentioned that I write computer programs. Doing words one at a time after awhile does become easier but doing one word at a time builds a picture very slowly. So I found a dictionary in text format, wrote a program to do the counting for me, and produced lists of 444 and 666 words. I may or may not post that list later. I also found the King James Bible in text format and did the same thing. I have yet to look through that "data" as well.
If this sounds too serious at the moment you may find it funny that Devils Food and Santa Claus both = 666. Devil's Food is easy but Santa Claus? When building a mystery this one was actually easier than you might think. Who has replaced Jesus as the focus of Christmas? Santa Claus of course. Isn't that something of an anti christ? And before any semi serious scholars of the Bible protest, yes I realize that is the number of The Beast. But as a side note there isn't "an Antichrist" either. There are people described as antichrists. It isn't a name or title. That's a myth of the Bible just as Angels having wings or the serpent being the devil. That's why it is important when you are trying to build a mythology for your mystery to make sure your audience doesn't know the subject matter very well. Still pretty odd coincidence though.
I am not done with the story of 444. There are at least a few posts worth of information on this subject alone but I want you to have time to play with this yourself and see what you find. I also want you to come back to read the rest. Remember all this is leading up to why I want to form the VLHA. So I am going to leave you with possibly the third or fourth most interesting surprise in this tale. Also remember I am having fun with the idea of building a mystery so not everything I say should be taken seriously. Just note the extreme coincidence.
They say the number of the beast is the number of a man and the following information is a bit of a reach that is why it is third or fourth. Maybe fifth. What is the average temperature of a person? 98.6 degrees. Which is 66.6 degrees above the freezing point of water and in the metric system is 37 degrees. Spooky?
If you find that interesting come back for part 2 of the story of 444 and 666.
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