Finishing The 444 Thing
I am going to kind of rush through the rest of the 444 thing. I have other topics to move on to. The whole reason for the story about my 30 plus year obsession with the number 444, which is actually more of an interest in the perfect number 6 and numbers in general, is to demonstrate a point.
There are quite a few more pages I could write about the number 6 and numbers in general but you can hunt a lot of that down for yourself. You might find pages like the one I found that reminded me of something I wrote down a long time ago but had forgotten. If you take the square of 6 which is 36 and take bowling pins and set them up just as you would bowling pins, first 1, then 2, then 3, etc until the back row equals 36 then by the time you are done you would have 666 bowling pins. My version was dots on paper not bowling pins.
In my "Building a Mystery" theme these are the kinds of things a person would look for if they were trying to make what are already natural mathematical phenomenon conform to their mystery. So we have to be wary of this which is why I have gone outside the Bible and just regular words looking for other occurrences of the triplet 444. What I am doing and what we as an array could be doing is finding the bigger mystery using the phenomenon and not building one with it. That is to say we could be discovering the mystery not creating it. For instance finding Phi in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Even if the length of a side divided by the height is accidentally an approximation of half the value of Pi it doesn't matter because all Pi ratio pyramids will exhibit a number close to Phi in the calculations. This means that anyone building a pyramid containing Pi as 2 x base/height they will always come up with a number close to Phi or the "Golden ratio". So they don't need to intend to put Phi in it will show up on its own. That is more fundamental that actually doing it on purpose. The pyramid shape, when constructed using Pi, reveals a number close to Phi. That is a "natural" mystery. Then again Phi and the Golden Ratio may mean absolutely nothing. It's just a mathematical artifact of the Fibonacci sequence and/or square numbers. For more on Phi read this page ----->
Being a gnostic I believe the things we call supernatural and paranormal are actually quite normal and quite natural. But where does natural end and supernatural begin?
If it is true that life began here, or somewhere else and got spread here, then we still may only be looking at a single instance of life. Which if that were true the fact that we squander life so casually isn't sad, it is insane. Of course if it did come from somewhere else that means it may also have spread to somewhere else. The question would be how does that occur? What kind of mechanism could throw, toss, blast, form, or otherwise spread life through the nearly absolute zero near vacuum of space. A whole discussion by itself. But perhaps it occurred on its own all over the universe in isolation and in almost the same way. It would not surprise me at all to find life very similar to our own "out there". In fact it wouldn't surprise me to find something very human like out there.
We find amino acids in space rocks all the time. Did these amino acids require transcription of bases like ours do or are amino acids a natural chemical consequence of the universe? Experiments would indicate this to be the case. If that is the case then perhaps we have the chicken and egg backward. Perhaps amino acids came first and were the substrate for the bases. It sounds no more odd that amino acids are a natural consequence of the universes chemistry and that the bases and proteins, which occur on "either side" of the amino acids, came second than to say it all started from the bottom up. Maybe that's why the same amino acid can have more than one set of bases that code for it.
Now to finish up 444.
I found 444 in the two fundamental shapes and their constants in geometry. Circles/ Pi and Squares with the square root of 2. This goes outside the original paradigm of finding the number in a string of words in the Bible around the central figure of Jesus. Recap. JESUS is JOSHUA is the MESSIAH was hung on a CROSS his story is a GOSPEL his enemy is LUCIFER he was JEWISH and these words come to us from different languages all translated into ENGLISH. Then you find that Roman CUBITS are 444mm and in Roman Numerals 444 and 666 both equal 444. At the center of the Star of David is a HEXAGON. Hexagons are a whole subject unto themselves. Google sacred geometry, chemistry, engineering, crystallography, devil's post pile, snowflakes,etc
Here are a few more words. A small portion.
websters - 666
parts - 444 and its ANAGRAMS or anagrams of any 444 or 666 word
london - 444
venezuela - 666
nunnery - 666
convergence - 666
heavens - 444
energy - 444
calculation - 666
error - 444
computer - 666
corrupt - 666
The list goes on. An interesting thing happened in the program I wrote to create this list. I didn't account for every possibility in the text file I was using. A dictionary in text format. My program searched for spaces. Anything on either side of the spaces was considered a word. Sometimes this is abbreviations or special characters and thus don't count. Occasionally it was a carriage return at the end of a line or another character that was not technically a space but show no character. A couple of interesting things popped up when there was a blank but technically not a space. Carbon, as I said, is the 6th element and ELEMENT is a 444 word. The computer in some instances mashed two words that were next to each other with a non space in between and often one word in particular. The word carbon itself is not a 444 word but the term "ofcarbon" is and "ofoxygen" is 666. Ask a chemist what significance that might have if we are in a paradigm where 444 is good and 666 is bad why Oxygen would be bad. And finally for all you Dan Brown fans out there. The puzzle box called a CRYPTEX equals 666. Oh, and so does Santa Claus. You may laugh now. I did.
I have found 444 in music. Supposedly it is a frequency to tune A to and it creates beautiful harmonies with the other notes. I don't know I just skimmed across it. Like I said. I can't look at everything. I have also seen it referenced to F sharp. I don't know. I am not a musician. If any of you want to comment feel free. I never mind learning something.
My point being that this shows that the number appears in all sorts of disciplines and it and the number 6 are fundamental "number particles" like quarks are fundamental particles of matter. Incidentally 6, 3 in protons, 3 in neutrons and with the exception of hydrogen found in equal number in stable atoms. To physicists the numbers are mostly all they see. They are some of the greatest numerologists of all. The numbers mean something, everything. Geometry, chemistry, physics, engineering, and nearly all other sciences. Why they don't matter outside those realms when the entire universe presents them to us is beyond me.
There are many more things I could tell you as I have said but I have saved one of the best for last. My contention is that the number 444 is buried deep into our world and manifests itself in our languages and in our sciences in math in music in physics. Here is one more observation on the number 444. You can get 444 only a few ways with whole numbers because it is composed of few primes. 2 x 2 x 3 x 37. As you may know the number 12 is huge in the Bible and many other mythologies and religions. Of course 2 x 2 x 3 is 12. I also briefly mentioned the number 37 with the human body temperature thing. If you do enough of this method you come to realize that the number 37 as well as 6 is part of the process. 6 x 37 is 222, 12 x 37 is 444, 18 x 37 is 666, and so on.
My last submission to you is that the universe knows about the number 444 or probably more accurately that we now know it manifests the number 444 in various ways significant to us. Sulfur boils at 444.6 C. The color Indigo/Violet begins at 444hz. Electrons have a theoretical energy level that is 444.6 something or other. Saw that one on Sliders with Jerry O'Connell in the cave where he meets the first duplicate that solved the equation for him. I looked it up. It's actually a real theory. If I see 444 it obviously draws my attention. Sliders got a little goofy after the professor died by the way. But still a cool show for its time. Based on real theory. But I digress.
Here is something far less obscure than electron theory right down in the core of our math. Again. The prime numbers are those numbers that cannot be divided by other numbers except 1. 1 itself is not a prime number. I didn't make the rules that's just the way it is. The first 12 primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37. And there it is again. The 12th prime is 37 and 12 x 37 is 444.
And that is where I end the curious case of the number 444.
There is something hidden down deep in the universe and that something is inside us because we were produced by the universe. We are a part of the universe. We are a part of the universe trying to understand itself.
I don't think anyone can find the answer by themselves. And that's the reason for the VLHA. The Very Large Human Array.
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